What country would you rather go to? England? That country is even more right wing than this "Shit-hole". Germany? Lmao there is straight censorship there. Russia? China? Denmark? The rest of scandinavia? America is comparatively fantastic.
Patriotism and nationalism are not the same thing. One can love their country and still be an egalitarian hippie. The rashness to declare america a shithole just shows why the country is in the state it is in now. That logic is the reason donald trump won the election.
I will admit that America and the west on the whole are not moving in the ideal direction, but saying that America is a terrible place isn't going to get anyone anywhere that can help the nation.
here we go
Donald Trump ran on the policy of "america first". While that seems like a good idea (you need to exist to help others exist), the problem is that Trump is taking it to an isolationist level. i am against nationalism. i do not think that we shouldn't help others if it doesn't help us. however, apparently, almost half of the country does.
And you're right- Patriotism and Nationalism are not the same thing. Patriotism is worse. Nationalism is the belief that your nation is naturally superior, while Patriotism is the complete devotion to one's nation. That is terrifying. Patriotism is what keeps North Korea together without anyone realizing what a shitty state they live in.
Oh, and there's two things wrong with "there's nowhere else better". One, that's the Relative Privation fallacy. If I have one of my eyes clawed out, but someone else has two eyes clawed out, that doesn't make my situation less shitty. In the same manner, if America is bad, but other nations are worse, that doesn't mean that America is good.
The second thing wrong is that a lot of the countries you've mentioned are comparatively better. Great Britain (not england), while being shitty, is a lot more tame in comparison to America. Denmark has a majority of their left-er party.
Just listed the countries that came to mind :/ No reason to make me out for a bad person. If you want to change your country, do it instead of whining and saying other places are better. And I never said that "nowhere else is better" part. I was listing countries off the top of my head. Pardon me for forgetting our norther polar-bear herding neighbors. But wait there's more!
Billy Mays here, and I've got a two for one deal here! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriotism
Isolationism is bad, but that doesn't mean it's mutually exclusive to one ideal. And North Korea isn't a brain washing machine. They make it seem like everyone loves, because it's an outdated totalitarian regime that rules by fear. I'm not done yet
well, you literally said "What country would you rather go to?". that's pretty relative privation-y. and trust me, i've been doing my part, but you can't share ideas or complaints with a power tool. Well, not that efficiently, anyway.
And America is good. You're sitting here on your computer arguing with another person from halfway across the nation. And I don't care how many fallacies and how much jargon you spew, because at the end of the day, are you in any eminent danger for being who you are? Nobody has tried to kill me for being Bisexual... still going
And "relative privation" is literally the overclass saying to the underclass "I have something better than you". If America is truly a shithole, please tell me how the ideal world should be run. I am taking actions towards seeing my ideals become a reality for those of my nation.
and nobody would try to kill you for being bi in Denmark or England. And I'm using fallacies (correction- a single fallacy) to show that the evidence you provided is fundamentally flawed. the reason why i've only used one fallacy, though, is because your argument is relatively clean. i pick apart what i can so i can prove myself or learn something new.
I volunteer at political events and I go to protests and rallies. America is a country built on participation of the people, and the day the people don't participate, America dies.
and who's to say that you can't vocalize yourself elsewhere as well? we have to participate in america because democracy is founded upon the people (as much as it doesn't seem like it), and one of the best ways to do that is to convince other people that you're right (or learn that they are).
It's not a profound realization that ideology is not relevant. Ideology is a blanket chosen by those too tired of choosing. It doesn't make someone worse or better than someone. There is no such thing as being worse or better than someone.
personally, to say that someone is inherently worse or better merits some introspection. However, while I know a lot of people who either have or would really like to cling to an ideology for the sake of security, many others (especially where I live down south) cling to ideologies because they were raised to or had personal experiences with it.
America is fine. Not as great as Japan, or Canada, or just about any non-former-Soviet European country, but its still pretty great. Of course, its all subjective, but there are a lot worse places you could live.
It also has some of the highest standards of living, lowest crime rates, lowest infant mortality rates, highest average lifespans, and lowest income gaps in the world. Very hard to move to, but living in Japan would be, in my opinion, better than living in the US.
Oh yeah, it's much better than America. However, there's still problems with it, as with every nation, and to dismiss them under "well it's better than x" is unhealthy.
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