There are multiple Let's-Reads on YouTube, if you're having trouble reading it on your phone. If it's just the flashes, then you can usually watch most of them on YouTube too. The only problem is the interactive parts such as Alterniabound and Openbound will be unplayable.
You only really need flash for the interactive parts, which you'll probably want to use your computer for. Most other parts can be viewed through either YouTube or just on your phone.
The gifs should most definitely work, but I'm not sure on the data front. Probably not too much, but I wouldn't know. I haven't ever had a phone with internet.
salty, really our school blockes nearly every website, some times they block websits that our teachers tell us to use, some how they havent blocked wynn.. and homestruck along wih a handful of games
they blocked like every wesite in year 8 last year, and somehow the tryed something new and tata we can use more websites, even yt
ps what state do you live in i am in vic
tmw your college doesn't block youtube because they sometimes use it for educational purposes so you can spend lessons listening to music and breaks watching YTers...
Wish I lived in vic tho, everything there is so modern and clean. syd is kinda old. apparently most train stations around my suburb are getting makeovers
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