Okay I said multiple times those were not real threats I think on discord, the convo, and in-game. And the one time I actually did blow up tnt while kicked was purposely far enough so that it wouldn't destroy any blocks. Then when I did actually blow up one tnt in the faction, it was to destroy the ruins of my house that you and striker blew up.
The first time I did the "nuke threat" was because you kicked me out for no reason and tried to kill me. So I tried to jokingly threaten to nuke the base. Which I forgot you cant be jokingly through text.
Also I was really annoyed cause you blamed me for losing power even though it was striker that killed me and then almost killed Florfy. Also the last time you invited me you once again kicked me and tried to kill me. Lastly, the reason so many people kept dying in the acrobatics thing was because they didn't realize that it took you to half a heart and decided to jump with less than full.
Yeah from a hole that someone put outside the pig spawner that I had no idea was there. AND WHY DOES POWER EVEN MATTER SO MUCH?
Also is that really your only response?
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