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Comments on Profile Post by MrPuppies

  1. MrPuppies
    It showed alot of weird shit , it showed him vomiting. It also showed some surgery on a guy to remove fat from his body. It showed what was going inside his body O_O IT WAS SO UNSATISFYING !
    Jan 23, 2017
  2. GodlySinbad
    Morale of the story: Don't eat McDonalds.
    Jan 23, 2017
  3. Bad Username
    Bad Username
    You can eat but not too much.
    Just don't eat your breakfast and lunch like I do when you're too fat ;). Well, no, this is hard to do...
    Jan 23, 2017
  4. MrPuppies
    This guy was eating it for breakfast , lunch and dinner O_O RIp
    Jan 23, 2017
  5. Bad Username
    Bad Username
    Or was he going just to buy and drink some ketchup? ;)
    Maybe not...
    Jan 23, 2017
  6. MrPuppies
    He was shoving supersized bigmacs in his mouth. He gained like 25 pounds in a month.
    Jan 23, 2017
  7. Bad Username
    Bad Username
    Jan 23, 2017
  8. MrPuppies
    it was an insane documentary. Due to this alot has changed in McDonalds.
    Jan 23, 2017