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Comments on Profile Post by Vriska Serket

  1. Nepeta Leijon
    Nepeta Leijon
    :33 < i dont think roxy has any canon talksprites, but you could always try searching online fur them!
    Jan 13, 2017
    AetherArising likes this.
  2. Vriska Serket
    Vriska Serket
    i have tried D:
    there not there.
    why is it when i find a good character they have something wrong DD:
    Jan 13, 2017
    coolname2034 and AetherArising like this.
  3. Nepeta Leijon
    Nepeta Leijon
    :33 < :((
    :33 < the only sprites you can really get are the ones from alpurrniabound (and its many sequels) and openbound
    :33 < even then some sprites are hard to get :((
    Jan 13, 2017
    AetherArising likes this.
  4. English4tw
    ^ why my games always look crappy af
    Jan 13, 2017
    AetherArising likes this.