"I think the worst part was your disregard to a real problem.. You say the message is 'overused'. Are you that diluted? The hungry and poor still exists. I wasn't aware they were 'an overused message'. How about you take time to think about how hard the team works to keep updates on time and make sure everything works. Most importantly take a hard look at yourself."
I'd like to add to that comment by saying that you, along with everyone else here, get to live in warm homes and eat good food while the homeless are just struggling with finding shelter and getting actual food. The quest really did send a message about the true meaning of Christmas.
I agree with what Shadow here is saying...
While I do feel the message is used a lot sometimes, however, it is a nice and heart warming story for a christmas story... I feel like it works with christmas... I mean, it'd feel out of place to not talk about something that makes you appreciate what you have during Christmas...
I explained this somewhere else when addressing that comment and "overused" was the wrong word to use. I get the message the quest was trying to give, but I still feel like the message was cliche.
Yes, I know hungry and poor still exist, but don't think that I am just ignorant because I "live in warm homes and eat good food". Most of the wynn community and I are appreciative about what we have, but I think that the quest could have been done better.
Comments on Profile Post by ShadowMage1