spell damage (with dexterity) = (((weapons damage + spell damage% + elemental dmg%) x strength bonus) + (weapons damage + spell damage% + elemental dmg%) x attack speed multiplier) + (raw spell dmg x amount of times the spell hits)
and than there's the fact that each spell has different multipliers on their own. For those I look here https://wiki.wynncraft.com/index.php?title=Category:Classes The wiki may be outdated, but it's the best source I can find.
(For example: mage's meteor at T3 has a damage of 400% on the wiki.) Which means that you can take the earlier formula and add it in.
((((weapons damage + spell damage% + elemental dmg%) x strength bonus) + weapons damage + spell damage% + elemental dmg%) x attack speed multiplier)) x 4 + (raw spell dmg x amount of times the spell hits)
(the changes I made:) ( (((weapons damage + spell damage% + elemental dmg%) x strength bonus) + weapons damage + spell damage% + elemental dmg%) x attack speed multiplier)) x4 + (raw spell dmg x amount of times the spell hits)
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