The "Radar" Sound on Iphone, I cannot listen to. If I do, I freak out. It gives me the feeling like claustrophobia and that I need to rid the sound instantly
I've never had a fear of my alarm, but I have to change the noise every once and a while because I develop a hatred for the sound that makes me have to get out of bed.
Juiced: Same, but I start crying and freaking out. One time someone hid the phone and played the alarm and I started screaming "TURN THE DAMN THING OFF" in front of my relatives
Josh: I need it cuz i gotta get up for school and I sleep in.
It sounds like sometime in the past, an alarm clock rang during an unpleasant situation. Was there a time when you were sick, or embarrassed, or something of the sort when an alarm rang?
What I'd recommend if this is the case is trying to render the association between the alarm clock and a bad situation extinct; this may be hard, but see if you can listen to alarm clocks while doing nothing, this may help convince yourself nothing is wrong with an alarm.
But I've done research and,
There was this story about a boy who got bullied, and so to get back at the bully he put a pineapple somewhere the bully went to everyday for two years, to the point that he became paranoid that a pineapple would be in his locker, or around the corner,
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