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Comments on Profile Post by Odnod

  1. TurtleTheSeawing
    Lucky... you got it later than we over here in Wisconsin did... although... Wisconsin is... well, a bit of a shitshow during winter I must say, lol.
    Dec 8, 2016
    Power :3, TempleOfLegends and Odnod like this.
  2. Chino
    I got some cold af rain
    Dec 8, 2016
  3. Odnod
    Quite the opposite here, Hoke. We only get snow at all every other year or so.
    Dec 8, 2016
  4. Chino
    It snows randomly, like it snowed one time in summer, that was pretty awesome..
    Dec 8, 2016
  5. TempleOfLegends

    i don't get that much snow where i am
    Dec 9, 2016
    Odnod likes this.
  6. JuicedBananas
    Where I live we barely get rain.
    Dec 9, 2016
    Power :3 and TempleOfLegends like this.