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Comments on Profile Post by TurtleTheSeawing

  1. TurtleTheSeawing
    R&R = Rinse and Repeat
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 and TempleOfLegends like this.
  2. TempleOfLegends
    you deserve all your likes

    your a really amazing person
    Dec 1, 2016
  3. TurtleTheSeawing
    Aww thanks! ^-^
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 and TempleOfLegends like this.
  4. Undyne
    I have about the same path you do, except I add in posting things to help others in need of help.

    And now, I'm waiting for Judgment Day to happen, since it's the beginning of a new month...
    Dec 1, 2016
  5. TurtleTheSeawing
    What is "Judgement day" lol
    Dec 1, 2016
    TempleOfLegends and DCM627 like this.
  6. Undyne
    It's the day where the Angels of Wynn choose a few mortals to ascend to Heaven with them, and teach them the ways of justice.

    (In other words, it's usually when they pick new mods.)
    Dec 1, 2016
  7. Accio
    Same for my last 2 days
    Dec 1, 2016
  8. Accio
    Your not kidding you liked that faster that 10s 0.0
    Dec 1, 2016
  9. TurtleTheSeawing
    Dec 1, 2016
    TempleOfLegends and DCM627 like this.
  10. DCM627
    k that one was less than 10 seconds, Hoke. Stalker.
    Dec 1, 2016
  11. TurtleTheSeawing
    Hehe, Ik I am xP
    Dec 1, 2016
    TempleOfLegends and DCM627 like this.
  12. DCM627
    That was like 4... you have no life.
    Dec 1, 2016
  13. TurtleTheSeawing
    Ikr! ^-^
    Dec 1, 2016
    TempleOfLegends and DCM627 like this.
  14. Accio
    What games do you play recently other than Pokemon? Did you ever finish ulothera?
    Dec 1, 2016
  15. Undyne
    He's probably part angel, and because of that he can speed like comments in less than 10 seconds.
    Dec 1, 2016
  16. TurtleTheSeawing
    I play really just minecraft and Pokemon moon through this past like, 2 weeks...
    Also, yes I might be part "angel" xP
    Dec 1, 2016
    TempleOfLegends and DCM627 like this.
  17. Accio
    Dud ulothera get finished? Can't remember where we left off... I must have had a temper tantrum. :P
    Dec 1, 2016
  18. DCM627
    You're following me around different people's profiles, Hoke. I see you.
    Dec 1, 2016
  19. Undyne
    You said you have characteristics of an Angel, such as reinforcing justice.

    Of course, judgment doesn't entirely like mortals doing that.
    Dec 1, 2016
  20. TurtleTheSeawing
    Nope, it didn't get finished... it was kinda my call that it didn't however.
    Dec 1, 2016
    TempleOfLegends and DCM627 like this.
  21. Undyne
    I just noticed that Creecreeprs followed you, and he is an Angel...

    Maybe that is hope?
    Dec 1, 2016
  22. TurtleTheSeawing
    Pfffft, nah
    Dec 1, 2016
    TempleOfLegends and DCM627 like this.
  23. Accio
    Are We/ Can we finish? What happened to That_Mage? Did we ever get a wp map? I want to build if ur up to that

    EDIT: I remember having a temper tantrum and leaving hub chat.. I was dumb then.
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  24. TempleOfLegends
    all the alerts
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  25. Undyne
    Also, why is Asriel and "a can of tuna" following you as well? (I didn't realize someone made an Asriel account on here...)

    The more you know...
    Dec 1, 2016
  26. TurtleTheSeawing
    I really don't think the Ulothera project will continue, however I am writing a story taking place in that very world
    Also Sorry for the alert spam
    Also, ye, Asriel is a good kid, a good goat kid, I like him!
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 likes this.
  27. Undyne
    I love how "off topic" this has gotten.

    Also, Apple and its swarm of iPhone 7s followed you as well. Since when did a multi-million dollar company play on a Minecraft server?
    Dec 1, 2016
  28. TurtleTheSeawing
    Since people started trying to get Wynncraft on mobile, but basically failed? ;)
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 likes this.
  29. Accio
    heh. so you have no building projects right now?
    Dec 1, 2016
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  30. Undyne
    The only mobile server I've heard of is "Mineplex Pocket Edition", and we all know Mineplex sucks in comparison to Wynncraft.

    (Too many players and hackers there...)
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  31. TurtleTheSeawing
    No build projects as of now no

    Also, ye, however I still go on Mineplex just for Super Smash Mobs xP
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 likes this.
  32. Undyne
    In my opinion, I'm not a big fan of minigame servers. A lot of them have a "judgment aspect" to them, and the PvP ones are ruined by hackers.

    Plus, the Angels there are corrupted and act more like demons.
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  33. Accio
    1 v1 me super smash right now; i dare u
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  34. TurtleTheSeawing
    Can't sorry man, I have to go to sleep, cuz stupid school.

    Also, ye I can see where you're coming from Undyne.
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 likes this.
  35. Undyne
    The only two servers I play on are Wynncraft and my own personal server called "Reign of Warriors". I avoid Factions and Minigame servers at all costs, simply because of hackers and corrupt staff/angels.
    Dec 1, 2016
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  36. TurtleTheSeawing
    Ye, I play them sometimes, but I mainly stick to pokemon and Wynncraft, lmao
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 likes this.
  37. Undyne
    I stick mostly to Minecraft, but every now and then I'll move to another game, such as Pokemon, Mario Kart, or Fallout 4. It depends on what I feel like playing at the moment.
    Dec 1, 2016
  38. TurtleTheSeawing
    Same here! XP
    Dec 1, 2016
    DCM627 likes this.
  39. Undyne
    At the moment, I'm pondering when Judgment Day will take place.

    Of course, it will happen tomorrow when I'm at work. Maybe. Who knows when judgment will strike.
    Dec 1, 2016
    XavierEXE and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  40. TurtleTheSeawing
    Who knows if it will even strike this month? Maybe next month? Maybe this month... nobody knows.
    Dec 1, 2016
  41. Undyne
    Well, if you look at Pretzule's threads he made, the "Judgment Day" threads take place about a month apart from each other. That's why I'm hypothesizing that it will happen early this month.
    Dec 1, 2016
    XavierEXE and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  42. TurtleTheSeawing
    What if it happened on Christmas day? :o
    Dec 1, 2016
  43. Undyne
    Then that would be weird, since most likely Pretzule and the other Angels will be celebrating Christmas in real life and will take a break from the server for a day to be with their families.
    Dec 1, 2016
    *EpicJay* and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  44. TurtleTheSeawing
    Ye. True, but you never know
    Dec 1, 2016
    *EpicJay* likes this.
  45. Undyne
    Well, we won't know the truth until it happens. But, through past evidence, I expect them to decide sometime in the next few days.
    Dec 1, 2016