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Comments on Profile Post by Zitrine

  1. AetherArising
    Omg yes, Did you hear the official cut songs?

    Laurens interlude (made me cri)

    Addams administration (Hamilton roasts the shit out of good ol' john addams)

    One last ride (Hella funny oml)

    Ten things, One thing. (Aka the old version of world was wide enough, and oml also made me cri)
    Nov 30, 2016
    Zitrine likes this.
  2. Zitrine

    No but I think I've only heard Adams' Administration? Unless the other 2 are in the official soundtrack. I'm literally listening on the Hamilton Soundtrack over and over again because it's so frikkin' good and also it contains HISTORY so yes it's two good things in one
    Nov 30, 2016
    AetherArising likes this.
  3. AetherArising
    Addams administration FULL version i mean. The "sit down john you fat mother-" is actually the the beginning. "Sit down john you ____________________________________________________________ (Etc) fat mfer"

    Laurens interlude was in the show, but cut off the soundtrack. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOYppaqE-r0 (its an animatic)
    Nov 30, 2016
    Zitrine likes this.
  4. AetherArising
    One last ride is "One last time" but its about the whisky rebellion (people were hella mad that they were taxing their whisky, but hamilton and washington roll up and essentially tell them to hand over their weapons and pay their goddamn taxes)

    And "ten things one thing" had hamilton's thoughts per number, mirroring burrs, instead of his emotional rant about everything. (It ends with quite a sad moment.)
    Nov 30, 2016
    Zitrine likes this.
  5. AetherArising
    also same about listening to the soundtrack. I have it like, permanently in the car cd slot
    Nov 30, 2016
  6. AetherArising
    Oh shit, and Dear Theodosia (reprise)

    where Theodosia the mom is dead and burr tells her kid
    Nov 30, 2016
  7. AetherArising
    Nov 30, 2016
  8. Zitrine
    Dear God. I'll listen to them when I come home later. Can you link the Dear Theodosia reprise >;?
    Dec 1, 2016
    AetherArising likes this.
  9. AetherArising
  10. AetherArising
    there it is
    Dec 1, 2016
  11. Zitrine
    Thank you :3 The "One last ride" sounds exciting.
    Dec 1, 2016
    AetherArising likes this.
  12. Zitrine
    Fuck it. Laurens was my favourite and I didn't need these tears ;-;

    The adams administration was lit. One last ride was also very good > :3

    One things ten things was so sad ;u;

    Shit, the Theodosia reprise was so sad omg

    But, have you seen the actual musical at New York? ,o,
    Dec 1, 2016
    AetherArising likes this.
  13. AetherArising
    Nope ;w;

    One last ride and adams administration were amazing xD

    Ten things one thing and theodosia reprise and laurens interlude all made meh cri
    Dec 1, 2016
    Zitrine likes this.
  14. Zitrine
    Especially Theodosia reprise and Laurens tbh
    Dec 1, 2016
    AetherArising likes this.
  15. AetherArising

    Ten things one thing personally made me feel for hamilton more. World was wide enough (the version that was published if you will) made me feel for Burr more. made him more human and shet
    Dec 1, 2016
    Zitrine likes this.