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Comments on Profile Post by SpadenadeZ1

  1. Other_Zygartist
    Ok, so a successful businessman is gonna destroy the economy; seems legit.
    Nov 9, 2016
  2. TempleOfLegends
    i think killing him is more effective
    Nov 9, 2016
  3. SpadenadeZ1
    I mean, just BC you know how to make money for yourself doesn't necessarily mean you know how to fix the economy. I'm just sayin that failure is entirely possible.
    Nov 9, 2016
  4. Flubby
    Mage, the international economy and national debt is harder to fix when your country has to handle business entanglements, and the possible threat of war.
    Nov 9, 2016
    SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
  5. Other_Zygartist
    He's got 4 years to do it. And threat of war? That's in the middle east for the most part, and except for ISIS no one is really threatening us rn to my knowledge.
    Nov 9, 2016