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Comments on Profile Post by Ascended Kitten

  1. Mrs Sara
    Mrs Sara
    Oh what happened?
    Oct 28, 2016
  2. Ascended Kitten
    Ascended Kitten
    He got temp-banned again :3
    Oct 28, 2016
  3. Ganny
    omg he got banned at exactly 17k likes. thats amazing
    Oct 29, 2016
  4. Son_Omega_Dan
    How can you tell if someone's banned tho?
    Oct 29, 2016
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  5. Mrs Sara
    Mrs Sara
    I'm sure if you try searching their name it won't show up or have them listed.
    Oct 29, 2016
    XavierEXE likes this.