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Comments on Profile Post by Victrix Securis

  1. Bigsnugglebunny
    Hello :) I am sort of back, life is very busy - and it has been a very long time since I have had a moment. What a lovely welcome back though, thank you :D How is everything? x
    Oct 22, 2016
    Ryuu, Mrs Sara, Bliss and 1 other person like this.
  2. Victrix Securis
    Victrix Securis
    Very good, very good! I hope everything is going fine for you too!
    Oct 22, 2016
    Bigsnugglebunny likes this.
  3. Bigsnugglebunny
    Aye, everything is good - just so busy! My eldest son did his exams and started college, my middle child has had some stuff going on too, and my little daughter, who was just a baby when I joined here, started school full-time! Such busy! :) Wynn is a very different place isn't it these days?
    Oct 22, 2016
    Victrix Securis likes this.
  4. Victrix Securis
    Victrix Securis
    Yeah, Wynn has changed a lot while you weren't here. New update and a Hallowynn theme (not recommended for phone, it's really laggy). Not sure how could I define the changes on community, a lot of stuff happened, both bad and good.
    Oct 22, 2016
  5. Bigsnugglebunny
    Looks like acer left? :(
    Oct 22, 2016
  6. Victrix Securis
    Victrix Securis
    Acer, Ahri, Kv and many others...
    Oct 22, 2016
  7. Bigsnugglebunny
    Oh dear, well I think it's like the changing of seasons - folks will come and go. Nice to see some familiar faces are still here though :)
    Oct 22, 2016
    Victrix Securis likes this.
  8. Victrix Securis
    Victrix Securis
    Glad to see you here again.
    Oct 22, 2016
    Bigsnugglebunny likes this.