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Comments on Profile Post by Mistrise Mystic

  1. Zahr
    what "new" zodiac?
    Oct 12, 2016
  2. Mistrise Mystic
    Mistrise Mystic
    Basically the original babylonian calendar had 13 zodiac signs, but they removed one of the zodiac signs, called ophiuchus, to make the zodiac match with the 12 month calendar. Because of that, and the fact that earth's tilt on it's axis changes over time, over 80% of people were actually born under the wrong zodiac.
    Oct 13, 2016
    SpadenadeZ1 and Zahr like this.
  3. Zahr
    oh noes, muh Aries pride...
    Oct 13, 2016
    Mistrise Mystic likes this.
  4. Zahr
    okay, apparently i'm a pisces according to the "new" zodiac, but i saw that the posts about this were posted in 2011, people are still using the normal order.
    So fuck this "Ophiuchus", ♈ #AriesPride ♈
    Oct 13, 2016
    Mistrise Mystic likes this.
  5. SpadenadeZ1
    Tbh i have no idea
    Oct 14, 2016
    Zahr likes this.