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Comments on Profile Post by Fred18295

  1. Ryuu
    a place to summon demons and souls of the damned using ancient scriptures encoded as regular status messages and not get arrested
    Sep 25, 2016
    Pokextreme and Mrs Sara like this.
  2. Mrs Sara
    Mrs Sara
    A status message is just a message to put out for people to see how you're feeling or just whatever you want to write and interact with others on the forums. If you're wanting 10 posts, status messages don't help with that.
    Sep 25, 2016
    Ryuu likes this.
  3. H07oh
    Farming likes. Not that I would do that, heh heh.. GIVE ME LIKES TO HELP ME CURE MY CRIPPLING SOCIAL ANXIETY
    Sep 25, 2016
    Fred18295 likes this.
  4. Kraetys
    Sep 6, 2017
  5. Mrs Sara
    Mrs Sara
    Holy shit dude this was last year @Kraetys
    Sep 6, 2017
  6. Kraetys
    Memes never die.
    Sep 7, 2017