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Comments on Profile Post by Dohdo

  1. Dohdo
    I serious;y wanted this to be added (I can be serious ya know)
    Sep 21, 2016
  2. Pretzule
    It looked kinda like a shitpost to me... Also a dislike system would just end up badly, like really badly.
    Sep 21, 2016
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  3. Dohdo
    Ok then... I just looked at other forums and how the ratings are dislike to like. It was half shitpost and half an actual suggestion...

    ok it was 66% shitpost

    but I still want it added.
    Sep 21, 2016
    CountBurn and Pretzule like this.
  4. coolname2034
    Instead of focusing on disliking bad posts, like good ones. I can see you're a "glass half empty" person.
    Oct 2, 2016
  5. Dohdo
    I just want a way to get rid of shitposts with a shitpost @NPCGrian
    Oct 2, 2016
    coolname2034 likes this.