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Comments on Profile Post by E-Stuffs

  1. E-Stuffs
    Think about having a full inventory full of extremely good items, and then getting another can be very stressful and if there is no bank nearby or your bank is full you could be in a bit of a bad situation.
    At the moment there are 4 accessory slots and adding a 5th one would be good especially if it gives you more inventory space.
    Sep 15, 2016
  2. E-Stuffs
    My idea of how you should be able to open the backpack is by holding down the shift key (crouching), looking straight down (with the mouse) and simply right-click the mouse button.
    I think this idea will monumentally change WynnCraft (in a *better* way of course) and people will actually be able to have more than their normal inventory and their limited bank.
    Sep 15, 2016
  3. TempleOfLegends
    there's a bank for a reason, also jumla will most likely not look at this
    Sep 15, 2016
  4. E-Stuffs
    I hope you take my thoughts into consideration. I have given it considerable time and effort to evolve this idea and how it will integrate into the existing WynnCraft infrastructure.
    Sincerely yours,
    Sep 15, 2016
  5. thatswhatido
  6. Zelefant
    1. Backpacks are confirmed to not be added
    2. This goes in General Suggestions
    3. Jumla has better stuff to do
    Sep 15, 2016
  7. thatswhatido
    @Oryx you can't prove they said backpacks will never be added can you
    Sep 15, 2016
    E-Stuffs likes this.
  8. Zelefant
    I mean, there's a bank in every major town and your inventory is already called "satchel" anyway
    Sep 15, 2016
  9. thatswhatido
    Doesn't mean it will never be added
    Sep 15, 2016
    E-Stuffs likes this.
  10. Zelefant
    Pretty much confirms we already haw enough space
    Sep 15, 2016
  11. E-Stuffs
    First of all i would like to thank you all for replying. Oryx, it has not been confirmed that the backpack idea will or won't be added. The bank does not have enough space. This is only a SUGGESTION so don't spread fake rumors, thank you. I explained in the original post that the bank doesn't have enough space, if you read the original post you would see that I pointed that out.
    Sep 15, 2016
  12. E-Stuffs
    Sep 15, 2016