I do dabble in the fine arts every once in a while. I have my own pen for all the goats I sacrifice to our lord and savior Cthulhu.
His pentagram is drawn with chalk tho Mine is made of bones, blood, and the little string thingys brains are made of
Nah, my pentagram is double layered. I also have oreos and every episode of The Big Bang Theory. So I win <3
Snickers are for dweebs and actors. Anime is awesome, but I have Netflix and 4 bags of Lays classic. At least I'm not lying <3 (I actually have these things)
I have a grill on my porch bby. Along with a shotgun. Cuz if you have a porch, you have to have a shotgun. Rules are rules.
"just in case someone breaks into my house, I have a crossbow and some swords next to the door so they can arm themselves even better. I am smart"
Yea well that's hanging on the fact that 1: their not idiots and don't come unarmed 2: they find the bolts that are hidden btw 3: they trade whatever they have for SWORDS
... WELP I have shit to do, and I cant waste my time talking with PEASENTS like you. Cya soon babe <3
>calls both of us peasants >immediately calls one of us babe after that I'm not sure that's how it works...
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