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Comments on Profile Post by Power :3

  1. XavierEXE
    The Sburb loading screen is seizure inducing but the music is amazing so I don't care
    Aug 2, 2016
    Nepeta Leijon and Power :3 like this.
  2. Power :3
    Power :3
    Carne vale is amazing, you know what? The whole Homestuck soundtrack is awesome in general. And remember: Homestuck is an anime!
    Aug 2, 2016
    Nepeta Leijon and XavierEXE like this.
  3. Mistrise Mystic
    Mistrise Mystic
    Sounds fun, I currently can't read it because it's not compatible with an iPad
    Aug 2, 2016
    Power :3 likes this.
  4. then perish
    then perish
    Xavier, if you're talking about the music in [S] Enter, that's Sburban Jungle.
    And yeah pretty much the entire HS soundtrack is awesome. There are definitely some tracks that stick out though (at least in my opinion) like Do You Remem8er Me or Heir of Grief. Although I'd kind of advise against looking those up because you might find some pretty big spoilers...
    Aug 2, 2016
    Power :3 and XavierEXE like this.