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Comments on Profile Post by Ryuu

  1. 01100110111
    lol more like
    *browses art forum*
    *likes all the good art*
    "hrm, never realized Ryuu is the one that spits out all the good art"
    "oh well"
    *more likes for the pretty art <3*
    Jun 4, 2016
  2. Ryuu
    Aw tysm =w=
    Jun 4, 2016
  3. 01100110111
    your stuff deserves a ton more attention anyway :P it's absolutely amazing <3

    (also i didn't mean everybody else sucks at art by the way. if you're reading this and you put art on the forum, i'm sure it's amazing and i didn't mean to offend! c: )
    Jun 4, 2016
  4. captainganon
    would normally call this out for being against the rules, but i gotta agree that Ryuu's art is top notch
    Jun 4, 2016
  5. 01100110111
    eek, sorry! but ye good art gets likes XD
    Jun 4, 2016