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Comments on Profile Post by Kahsol

  1. Antra
    do it
    May 25, 2016
    Kahsol likes this.
  2. modern
    2000 or so likes and I take your spot on the most likes section.
    Yeah that's not going to happen
    May 25, 2016
    Kahsol likes this.
  3. Kahsol
    inb4 it does
    May 25, 2016
  4. Nepeta Leijon
    Nepeta Leijon
    *quickly hides 'Get most likes master plan'* Heh heh...you didn't see anything.
    May 25, 2016
    Kahsol likes this.
  5. modern
    Well if I keep my ratio going it will by that point
    May 25, 2016
    Kahsol likes this.
  6. Fangiii
    Forgot to comment. Take my spot, I don't care about likes anymore. Long live Fangiii.
    May 27, 2016
    Kahsol and Nepeta Leijon like this.
  7. Kahsol
    May 27, 2016