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Comments on Profile Post by Moe_Ronickah

  1. TurtleTheSeawing
    Eyyy wazzup
    May 7, 2016
    Moe_Ronickah and XavierEXE like this.
  2. Moe_Ronickah
    Gettin' mrowed at by a kitty that I'm fostering. She is a people lover, but she has to keep away from my kitties, cause she has a bad attitude towards other cats.
    May 7, 2016
  3. Sharubii
    is it the kitty jealousy?
    May 7, 2016
    XavierEXE and Moe_Ronickah like this.
  4. Moe_Ronickah
    I'm not sure. She has some damage to her face that have been from a fight when she was much younger. She'll see a vet on Friday, before I can put her on an adoption list.
    May 7, 2016
  5. Sharubii
    cat fights are scary
    May 7, 2016
  6. Moe_Ronickah
    Very! They can do a lot of damage in very little time. So can dragons, but this one seems to be very personable, cuddling a Teddy bear. I think we're safe enough, for now. But don't take the Teddy bear.
    May 7, 2016
  7. Sharubii
    what about give it a bigger teddy and take the smaller?
    May 7, 2016
    Moe_Ronickah likes this.
  8. Moe_Ronickah
    But only if done in that order. Distract the dragon with a bigger Teddy bear, then carefully and slowly take the smaller Teddy aware. It might work, but dragons are pretty savvy, you know.
    May 7, 2016
    Sythrus, XavierEXE and Sharubii like this.
  9. Sythrus
    @Moe_Ronickah your theory is correct... we dragons are pretty savy... unless they are a fire dragon.... those guys are rageballs of random impulse
    May 7, 2016
    Moe_Ronickah likes this.
  10. Sythrus
    to be honest i have no idea what kind of dragon hoke is tho... hes never said
    May 7, 2016
  11. Sharubii
    hoke is a cuddle dragon, is it not obvious?
    May 7, 2016
    Kalmer and Moe_Ronickah like this.
  12. Sythrus
    its a title not a speicies... i know that he is a dragon god but dragon gods have their own typings... like pokemon types times 1000000000000
    May 7, 2016
  13. TurtleTheSeawing
    Well, Cuddledragon is a species of dragon if I say it is, cause I'm also the dragon god~
    so, I mean...
    May 7, 2016
    Kalmer, Moe_Ronickah and Sharubii like this.
  14. Sharubii
    i would accept it
    May 7, 2016
    Kalmer and Moe_Ronickah like this.
  15. Sythrus
    not the... A dragon god. as in plural... as in including me
    May 12, 2016
  16. TurtleTheSeawing
    May 12, 2016
  17. Sythrus
    May 14, 2016