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Comments on Profile Post by DirtyDoge

  1. DirtyDoge
    And he still manages to poke me with a folder.
    May 3, 2016
  2. Nepeta Leijon
    Nepeta Leijon
    Maybe you should lose some weight then.
    May 3, 2016
  3. DirtyDoge
    I am the skinniest kid I know.
    May 3, 2016
  4. Nepeta Leijon
    Nepeta Leijon
    Then how did the skinny kid take up over half their seat and manage to invade your personal space?
    May 3, 2016
  5. DirtyDoge
    Exactly the point of this comment xD
    May 3, 2016
  6. Nepeta Leijon
    Nepeta Leijon
    *takes off sunglasses* My god...it's gone full circle...

    Never go full circle man...
    May 3, 2016
    DirtyDoge likes this.
  7. RaccoonRoss
    Ah, manspreading.
    May 6, 2016
    DirtyDoge likes this.