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Comments on Profile Post by modern

  1. modern
    @Coolfood must just be too stealthy to show up on my alerts bar
    Apr 30, 2016
    XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
  2. Coolfood
    Shhhhh, I'm like Shia Lebeouf, lurking in the shaaadoooows.
    (please tell me I'm not the only one who's seen that video)
    Apr 30, 2016
    XavierEXE and modern like this.
  3. modern
    Apr 30, 2016
    Coolfood likes this.
  4. Coolfood
    Oh my god, all I can imagine is how boring it would be to stand their for 8 hours a day just crying.
    Apr 30, 2016
  5. modern
    This is why you don't do drugs
    Apr 30, 2016
  6. modern
    Alternatively, this is why you do all the drugs
    Apr 30, 2016
    XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
  7. Coolfood
    If one doesn't work, do ALL OF THEM
    May 3, 2016
  8. Coolfood
    Disclaimer: Me and @mod should never be quoted or relied on for advice. (about drugs)
    May 3, 2016
    XavierEXE and modern like this.
  9. Coolfood
    cuz code
    May 3, 2016