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Comments on Profile Post by Moe_Ronickah

  1. Drew1011
    Yep. :(
    Apr 20, 2016
  2. Moe_Ronickah
    Don't frown! School work is good for you! You wouldn't want to end up as dumb as a box of rocks, or Sarah Palin, would you?
    Apr 20, 2016
  3. Drew1011
    lol. I also don't really get on Wynn as much anymore. I don't really enjoy Wynn, and I can do 95% of my duties as a guild owner through skype and the forums.
    Apr 20, 2016
  4. Terezi Pyrope
    Terezi Pyrope
    I read that as "dumb as a fox" ;w; whyyyy
    May 3, 2016
    Moe_Ronickah likes this.
  5. Moe_Ronickah
    LOL!!! "As dumb as a fox" wouldn't be an insult, it would be a compliment; foxes are pretty darn smart!
    May 3, 2016