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Comments on Profile Post by RegalSnivy

  1. Flubby
    Psh. All it takes now is either a huge amount of luck, or a router.
    Apr 12, 2016
  2. RegalSnivy
    I have great luck, and a decent router
    Apr 24, 2016
  3. Flubby
    I'm talking about stuff like G4S
    Apr 24, 2016
  4. RegalSnivy
    No idea what that is. Also language please
    Apr 25, 2016
  5. Flubby
    Thanks for pointing out the swear. I should have been more considerate.

    G4S is a Security Agency based in the United Kingdom, and is referenced as a Private Military Corporation. It employs veteran and elite soldiers from around the world and often train many militaries and militias we see today.
    Apr 25, 2016
  6. Flubby
    It also operates in situations where a country could not legally be militarily involved, or where it is too dangerous. Examples are when a South African country that split off from G4S did a hostage rescue mission in Somalia.
    Apr 25, 2016