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Comments on Profile Post by Eridan Ampora

  1. flip
    Disable forge and it should work.
    Apr 1, 2016
  2. Eridan Ampora
    Eridan Ampora
    Well, yeah... But I'm trying to use mods, but they require forge. So, it just won't work? :/
    Apr 1, 2016
  3. flip
    What mods are you using, Optifine is probably (note I said probably) the only mod you can use on this server, as long as you disable entity tracker on mini maps.
    Apr 2, 2016
  4. Eridan Ampora
    Eridan Ampora
    I actually found a work around as lite loader seems to work. It was just a HUD mod but I found a similar one
    Apr 2, 2016