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Comments on Profile Post by SwordOfSkies

  1. Yoshi007
    ikr! I love the show! Obviously, glad to see people on here do aswell!
    Mar 19, 2016
  2. TrashcanMan
    Mar 19, 2016
    Yoshi007 likes this.
  3. Yoshi007
    We don't talk about it.
    Mar 19, 2016
    TrashcanMan likes this.
  4. TrashcanMan
    Let's place bets on who dies next
    Mar 19, 2016
    Yoshi007 likes this.
  5. Yoshi007
    Hopefully, no one. I can't really think about who would die next if anyone.
    Mar 19, 2016
    SwordOfSkies likes this.
  6. SwordOfSkies
    Ruby+Yang's dad.
    Mar 19, 2016
  7. SwordOfSkies
    Not much emotional attachment; we should be good. Would still be a big deal for the main characters doh.
    Mar 19, 2016
  8. TrashcanMan
    I'm calling Ren at the end of season 4
    Spend the entire season building him up as the guy who everybody sort of relies on but never does anything super-important, he's just the guy who's always helping in the background
    Season finale, four of them fight Cinder, Ren dies - not even anything dramatic, he just gets shot or something
    Mar 19, 2016
  9. TrashcanMan
    Nora flips the hell out and rushes Cinder, only to get her ass kicked
    Ruby runs over to help, Cinder launches a fireball at them
    And then a yellow aura surrounds them and blocks the fireball
    Jaune is PISSED and now he has his Semblance (shielding) and he almost murders Cinder, Cinder then escapes
    Then it's just everyone crying over Ren's dead body and fade out
    Mar 19, 2016
    SwordOfSkies likes this.
  10. Yoshi007
    Well I like that theory, it's weird, cause I was considering Ren, but the character he's based off of is Mulan who's cause of death was suicide.
    Mar 19, 2016
  11. TrashcanMan
    Wait Mulan committed suicide? They're definitely not having Ren kill himself though, that's way too dark.
    Mar 19, 2016
  12. SwordOfSkies
    Someone is going to have sick fanart of his gravestone saying "Boop"
    Mar 20, 2016
    TrashcanMan likes this.