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Comments on Profile Post by modern

  1. SeanThomas2
    Then I will crush all my friends
    Mar 14, 2016
  2. modern
    :O o no what did the spiders do to you? They are not the mars spiders and you are not ziggy stardust right?
    Mar 14, 2016
  3. CrazyCookie
    Wait a few days ago my cat ate a spider, SH*T
    BOB NOOOO!!!! :_(
    Mar 14, 2016
  4. modern
    Mar 14, 2016
    XavierEXE and CrazyCookie like this.
  5. Zahr
    Why is aracnophobia so damn common??

    I honestly think that spiders are awesome creatures, they're already unique just for making a web to catch insects, I mean, thats not something you see frequently!
    Mar 14, 2016
    modern likes this.
  6. Coolfood
    Aug 20, 2016