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Comments on Profile Post by Cruuk

  1. Cruuk
    Problem is, if someone even DARES to make a suggestion to fix Archer, all those fucking annoying cheeky Archer mains will shove a stick up your ass and tell you to shut the fuck up
    Feb 20, 2016
  2. Klichei
    Because mage heal is so underpowerd
    Feb 20, 2016
  3. TurtleTheSeawing
    Also, a lot of assassin mains that rage about this "Assassin Nerf" will be like
    "Yay! Now we are at least a little stronger in comparison! :D"
    When really, it changes like, nothing...
    Feb 20, 2016
    Kalmer likes this.
  4. Cruuk
    Not just that, throughout the Nether's history, Archers have always been top-tier, don't deny that, and because of that they think they're the fucking best! And that's just bullshit.

    Who cares about low defense when you can run away and never get it
    Feb 20, 2016
    Kalmer and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  5. Cruuk
    Warrior? Go above them, the only danger is their war scream, and even then, it's not strong

    Mage? Just go far away and bomb their ass

    Assassin? Ha fuck Assassin, just go up to a high place and shoot them down LIIKE A MLG PR0 XDDDDDDDDDD

    I don't care if arrow storm got nerfed recently, they need a big rebalance, but like I said, if you try to suggest that....
    Feb 20, 2016
    Kalmer and TurtleTheSeawing like this.