I don't want to, nor plan to, be a mod anytime soon. People kept asking me if i was going to be a new mod, or 'ik ur in next modwave' as seen even once below this post
I'm moving right now, and have a lot of stuff i'm going through, so if the wynn team needs some good mods, i'd say keep looking for now. I've not moderated on any actual legit public server, I'm a complete and total "Captain McDerp" sometimes
and i haven't made my computer any better in 5 years. I barely can run wynncraft even with some lag fixes, and i dont have any kind of teamspeak or skype, nor do i plan to in the near future
as my parents are quite paranoid, and i am too in turn. Last time i had a headset, someone got mad, hacked me, and threatened me WITH MY ACTUAL HOME ADRESS AT THE TIME. I flipped out and had to get an armor plated laptop and always kept my heavy-duty metal flashlight @ hand 24/7
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