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Comments on Profile Post by Pretzule

  1. Sulu
    I'm doing pretty damn well thanks, long time no speak. How are you doing?
    Jan 25, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  2. Pretzule
    Doing good myself. So are you more active on Wynn nowadays? Or what have you been up to?
    Jan 25, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  3. Sulu
    Aha, I guess you could say that, yea. We'll see how that goes ahaha. In terms of what I've been up to, here, don't know, IRL, everything! Yourself? How's all the mod duties treating ya?
    Jan 25, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  4. Pretzule
    Well they're the same old same old, helping the new mods when I can, been busy recently but I should be able to be more active very soon.
    Jan 25, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  5. Sulu
    Oooh, well, welcome back(-ish) for being more active! And yeah, I guess they will always be the same. Have you tried out Gavel then? As a player ofc.
    Jan 25, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  6. Pretzule
    I mean like just last week I was busy. Not a month or something. And yes I did play Gavel, finished all the quests and now sitting at lv 95 waiting for more quests.
    Jan 25, 2016
  7. Sulu
    Fair enough. But damn, that's some level right there. I've been on the server from the Closed Beta until now. And I'm only Level 21 or something. Gotta get my act together.
    Jan 25, 2016
  8. Pretzule
    Well I started from lv 75, and quests help a lot.
    Jan 25, 2016
  9. Sulu
    Yea, planning on doing those sometime in the future aha. Sometime... What's your main class?
    Jan 26, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  10. Pretzule
    Mage right now. I am thinking about doing Archer right now.
    Jan 26, 2016
  11. Sulu
    Ah, the mage. My favourite class tbh.
    Jan 26, 2016
  12. Pretzule
    It's the best class right now for staying alive. Because potions are a bother.
    Jan 26, 2016
    Sulu likes this.
  13. Sulu
    That's 100% true for me, not so sure about others. Also yeah, but healing yourself isn't always the most effective at times, so potions do come in handy. Occasionally.
    Jan 26, 2016
  14. Pretzule
    Yup, I was going to try to make an archer that was really good later on. Because I don't really want to keep grinding.
    Jan 26, 2016
  15. Sulu
    You know what? You start with your archer, I'll continue with my slow-levelling mage, and get to Level [95? I hope that's the cap] sometime. ((I cannot promise I will play often, more so be on the forums than anything)).
    Jan 26, 2016
  16. Pretzule
    The cap is lv 100, but farming for XP is not efficient at all so it is extremely hard to get to 100 unless you are really determined.
    Jan 26, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  17. Sulu
    Huh. 100, eh? That's interesting. Yeah, I got that you can't farm for XP anymore, which is kinda nice, because it gets tiring and repetitive.
    Jan 26, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  18. Pretzule
    But there are also no quests for that level so it's the only thing.
    Jan 26, 2016
    Kurumiii likes this.
  19. NinjaWizard
    This is the longest conversation Iv been from the comments of a comment xD
    Oct 16, 2016
  20. NinjaWizard
    Also your wrong, the lvl cap is actually lvl101 :P
    Oct 16, 2016