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Comments on Profile Post by Loggerhead

  1. Mr Sebbelonien
    Mr Sebbelonien
    It's a chakram, give me 3 le and it's yours.
    Jan 21, 2016
    dead zeffe and Clodwad like this.
  2. Loggerhead
    dang it :/ i don't have that kinda money, can i please buy it for 21EB, PLEASE!
    Jan 21, 2016
  3. DarkDemonDragon
    Lol the lowest I've ever seen a Chakram go is about 40 EB.
    Jan 21, 2016
  4. Loggerhead
    wow, i never new a little dagger would be so expensive, :/ it would take me months to get 40EB and probably half a year to get 3LE. :/
    Jan 21, 2016
  5. DarkDemonDragon
    Err it's a lv 70 legendary... what level are you? o.O The reason items get more expensive at upper levels is because they have better stats and high leveled players can afford more things because quests give a lot of LE sometimes. By Lv 70 you will have at least 10 LE on hand with at least 20 LE worth of items.
    Jan 21, 2016
  6. Mr Sebbelonien
    Mr Sebbelonien
    If you don't have that money I'm guessing you're around lvl 20. This dagger is for lvl 70 so you wont have much use for it.
    Jan 21, 2016
    dead zeffe likes this.
  7. Loggerhead
    Correction, level 40, and when your a higher level in gavel, do you get 10x the loot then a low level?
    Jan 21, 2016
  8. Mr Sebbelonien
    Mr Sebbelonien
    Not 10 times maybe, but you get more.
    Jan 21, 2016
    dead zeffe and Loggerhead like this.
  9. Loggerhead
    Thanks, btw. I'm your newest subscriber for now (GuestGaming)
    Jan 21, 2016