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Comments on Profile Post by Cubie

  1. Scotland
    Loved Rebirth but i think i wont buy the add on couse im not playing so often.

    But gl hf if you're going to play :>
    Oct 18, 2015
  2. Cubie
    Thanks ;P
    I'm very much into that game, I got like 150 hours now, and know every item and what it does and such. The exploration bit that Afterbirth will bring will be amazing for me. It's like what Gavel feels like for other people. They already knew it all, but when Gavel comes, a ton of new stuff is there to explore!
    Oct 18, 2015
    Scotland likes this.
  3. Scotland
    I'll look what they added and maby (but only maby) I'll buy it.
    Still gl and hf.
    And... r you playing the old TboI? :>
    Oct 18, 2015
  4. Cubie
    What old? The original? I've only played Rebirth.
    If you've played Rebirth, I suggest going to YT and search 'Cobalt the binding of isaac Afterbirth PAX' Or something similar, This guy called Cobalt Streak gets invited to play the first few floors AND test a new game mode. Keep in mind, It's a DLC, you won't have to start all over again ;P
    Oct 18, 2015
    Scotland likes this.
  5. Cubie
    "120 new items--not counting tons of new pickups, chests, pills, bombs and cards--taking the item count up beyond 500!"


    For even more spoilers, google Afterbirth spoilers, or something like that, The developers have been leaking some information every Monday for a couple of months now, meaning you could go there and find some info about what Afterbirth will bring.
    Oct 18, 2015
    Scotland likes this.
  6. Scotland
    I saw some spoilers but I hope that they're adding a new soundtrack (the soundtrack of the original isaac was just better).
    Oct 18, 2015
  7. Cubie
    They are indeed adding a new soundtrack!
    Oct 18, 2015