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Comments on Profile Post by dtyn8

  1. Victrix Securis
    Victrix Securis
    Where have you been?
    Aug 15, 2015
  2. dtyn8
    Music course-thing on folk music from around the world. It was residential (and very fun!)
    Aug 15, 2015
  3. Victrix Securis
    Victrix Securis
    Around the world?
    Aug 16, 2015
  4. dtyn8
    As in music from lots of different places. Like Scandinavia, the UK, america and Canada. As it was in the north of England, there was a lot of Scottish-music.
    Aug 16, 2015
  5. Victrix Securis
    Victrix Securis
    Olé! Sounds very good.
    Aug 16, 2015