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Comments on Profile Post by Hammer

  1. JJTH
    I was trying avocado for the first time in my life. Thought I'd negate the bad taste it left in my mouth, with a different one.
    Jul 27, 2015
  2. Hammer
    Not a fan of avocados myself... Ever tried a dragon fruit?
    Jul 27, 2015
  3. JJTH
    I just had my first one, but I must agree.
    It's texture is like butter made from bananas. If that even exists.
    But the taste is something between butter and mold.

    Don't think I've had dragon fruit, no.
    Looks like something people would eat in Animes.
    Not that I've ever seen those.
    Jul 27, 2015
  4. Hammer
    Perhaps you've tried a passion fruit?
    Jul 27, 2015
  5. JJTH
    Only as a drink. I've had Pomegranate though.
    Which looks like it, I suppose. Not sure if it tastes similar?
    Jul 27, 2015
  6. xKindredKinesis
    Dragonfruit is pretty much tasteless. It has the texture of a kiwi.
    Jul 27, 2015
  7. Hammer
    ...Ever tried a kiwi?
    Jul 28, 2015
  8. JJTH
    Green AND Gold! How about that!
    Jul 28, 2015
  9. Hammer