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Comments on Profile Post by n4ver

  1. LoyalFlush
    I come back after a long break and I see this...2much5me.
    Aug 3, 2015
    Ryuu likes this.
  2. LoyalFlush
    One thing I do think I need to mention, due to school, music and new schedules in general, Wynncraft has become something I rarely check let alone something I can constantly contribute to.
    Aug 3, 2015
    Ryuu likes this.
  3. n4ver
    Make a mechon army revive thread, recruit some people and ask the most active ones to get higher ranks. helping alot and being active will get them to chief/someone you trust. Once the guild is developed enough, you can hand the guild over to a chief. Also try to ally some other guilds. If it's good enough i will join back to take over.
    Aug 8, 2015
  4. n4ver
    Sep 6, 2015