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Comments on Profile Post by Terezi_Pyrope

  1. Kuroi
    ii2n't thii2 great
    Jun 6, 2015
  2. Terezi_Pyrope
    Kur w3 should m4k3 l1k3 4 hom3stuck club on th3 forums for 4ll th3 hom3stuck-3rs! XD th4t would b3 gr34t!
    Jun 6, 2015
  3. Kuroi
    ii am 2o 2orry for u2iing your profiile page for random conver2atiion2 @UntamableOcelot
    Jun 6, 2015
  4. Terezi_Pyrope
    XD wh4t h3 s41d!
    Jun 6, 2015
  5. SpadenadeZ1
    Actually, there is a homestuck convo. I can ask pretz to add you guys if you want. :p
    Jun 6, 2015
  6. Kuroi
    ii would liike that very much
    Jun 6, 2015
  7. SpadenadeZ1
    Are you completely caught up with the updates though? Just checking.
    Jun 6, 2015
  8. Kuroi
    liiterally ju2t fiinii2hed two 2econd2 ago
    Jun 6, 2015
  9. Terezi_Pyrope
    1'm on l1k3 4ct 6 4ct 5 or som3th1ng, 1'm hon3stly so confus3d by the numb3r of th3 4cts, but 1 know 1'm r1ght 4ft3r th3 tr1ckst3r mod3
    Jun 6, 2015