K. How about this.
Susie's parent is trying to console her about her dead dog.
"don't worry Susie. Ricky is probably in heaven"
Susie answered "What does God want with a dead dog anyway."
I was scared when I saw what's mom and dad do in bed at night. Now I know, I wouldn't be scared about it anymore, if only mom wasn't dead 4 months ago back then.
hmm....let me see
A man see a woman standing on the edge of a bridge. He tried to convince her to at lease have "fun" with him for one last time before she jump, in which the woman refuse. After that, he just left. The woman asked
"Is that all? You're not gonna convince me not jumping down?" He replied.
"I have to make it down to the bottom. If I hurry, you will still be warm."
"All those 9/11 images made me remember my dad"
*did he die on that day?*
"Yes, he called me from the plane, I'll never forget his last words"
*what were they?*
"Allah akbur"
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