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Classes: The Soldier (925+ Supporters) - Updated To 1.1.4 Stats!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Selvut283, Sep 8, 2015.


Do you like this class? Please leave feedback after voting, especially if you don't like something!

  1. Yes, I love this class! It's really awesome!

    584 vote(s)
  2. Yeah, I like the class. I think it's pretty cool.

    366 vote(s)
  3. I like it, but I think a few things need to be altered.

    101 vote(s)
  4. I don't like it, but I think a few changes could help.

    20 vote(s)
  5. No, I'm not too big a fan of this class.

    58 vote(s)
  6. No, I really don't like this class at all.

    66 vote(s)
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  1. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    A new sort of fighter, hailing from a far-off land that has remained locked away from the world. Hailing from many battles previous, they have immense knowledge of the ways of the war and use this to their advantage with advanced fighting tactics that confound both enemy and ally alike, even adjusting their tactics from their previous home to better fight in the Wynnic environs. They are invaluable to parties with high agility and disruptive attacks. To take up the axe is, was, and always will be a mark of skill and honor.

    Damage: [] [] [] [] []
    Defense: [] [] [] [] []
    Range: [] [] [] [] []
    Spells: [] [] [] [] []

    Weapon: Axe(Iron Axe)
    Attack: Melee. Hits a space 1 block larger in all directions than the usual melee range.
    Playstyle: Tactical distraction and kiting/crowd control and heavy offense.
    Special: Receives a 20% penalty to armor value.
    Notes: This class is utterly devastating in the right hands, but requires a very high amount of skill to use effectively. Their weapons may hit fast most of the time, but their spells tend to inflict a high amount of knockback. This strange contrast will make playing tricky, but learning to fight like a Soldier will be highly rewarding to anyone who can put in the time to master it due to amazing potential for comboing and highly disruptive and tactical skills.


    Slash: Slash at enemies on all sides, leading into a combo attack.
    Upgrades: Lv 1, Lv 16, Lv 36
    Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - RIGHT

    Grade I:
    Hunger: 7
    Damage: 60%
    Hits: 2

    Details: Deal 60% damage and zero knockback to enemies within a 5 block radius of a point set 3 blocks in front of the caster. Enemies that are hit by the initial strike will then be hit again for 60% damage 0.4 seconds afterwards, taking 5 blocks worth of knockback. Total damage: 120%

    Grade II:
    Hunger: 6
    Damage: 60%(20% Air on Finisher hit)
    Hits: 3
    +Finisher, deal a heavier feinting attack to hit enemies for 80% damage and higher knockback

    Details: Deal 60% damage and zero knockback to enemies within a 5 block radius of a point set 3 blocks in front of the caster. Enemies that are hit by the initial strike will then be hit again for 60% damage 0.4 seconds afterwards, and once more for 80% damage 0.1 seconds afterwards, taking 6 blocks worth of knockback. The player hops backwards three blocks when the third hit is landed. Total Damage: 200%

    Grade III:
    Hunger: 5
    Damage: 60%(20% Air on Finisher hit)
    Hits: 3
    +Disarm, knock enemies off balance to slow and weaken enemies for a short time

    Details: Deal 60% damage and zero knockback to enemies within a 5 block radius of a point set 3 blocks in front of the caster. Enemies that are hit by the initial strike will then be hit again for 60% damage 0.4 seconds afterwards, and once more for 80% damage 0.1 seconds afterwards, taking 7 blocks worth of knockback and receiving Weakness I and Slowness I for 10 seconds. The player hops backwards three blocks when the third hit is landed. Total Damage: 200%

    Effects: High-pitch Iron Golem Throw noise on cast. If an enemy is hit, high-pitch Zombie Metal noise plays on first and second hit. Max pitch Blaze Damage noise on final hit. Spreads gray and blue-gray firework particles around affected area.

    Strafe: Leap forward and rapidly hop around your enemy while attacking.
    Upgrades: Lv 11, Lv 26, Lv 46
    Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - RIGHT

    Grade I:
    Hunger: 6
    Jumps: 6

    Details: Jump forward 5 blocks and up 2, then after hitting a block make short, 3 block hops in whatever direction you’re pressing 5 times, going forward by default. Think Charge’s velocity, but confined to smaller jumps instead of one large jump. You’ll hop again the instant you contact a block, and the hops have just enough height to clear 1-block jumps at their peak. Like Escape, you can't interrupt a Strafe with another Strafe until the spell ends, but you're free to use other spells while Strafing, and the movement from those spells will affect you while Strafing.

    Grade II:
    Hunger: 5
    Jumps: 6
    +Slice, attack damage is boosted by 25% while strafing

    Details: Jump forward 5 blocks and up 2, then after hitting a block make short, 3 block hops in whatever direction you’re pressing 5 times, going forward by default. Think Charge’s velocity, but confined to smaller jumps instead of one large jump. You’ll hop again the instant you contact a block, and the hops have just enough height to clear 1-block jumps at their peak. Like Escape, you can't interrupt a Strafe with another Strafe until the spell ends, but you're free to use other spells while Strafing, and the movement from those spells will affect you while Strafing. Attacking an enemy while Strafing deals 125% damage instead of the usual 100%, but only for your basic attack.

    Grade III:
    Hunger: 4
    Damage: 60%(15% Earth)
    Jumps: 7
    +Shockwave, cause a tremor when you land that deals 60% damage and trips nearby enemies

    Details: Jump forward 5 blocks and up 2, then after hitting a block make short, 3 block hops in whatever direction you’re pressing 6 times, going forward by default. Think Charge’s velocity, but confined to smaller jumps instead of one large jump. You’ll hop again the instant you contact a block, and the hops have just enough height to clear 1-block jumps at their peak. Like Escape, you can't interrupt a Strafe with another Strafe until the spell ends, but you're free to use other spells while Strafing, and the movement from those spells will affect you while Strafing. Attacking an enemy while strafing deals 125% damage instead of the usual 100%, but only for your basic attack. After you land from the first jump, a 4 block radius around where you landed will take 60% damage and receive Weakness II, Slowness IV, and be unable to jump for 1 second, as well as being knocked back 4 blocks. Total Damage: 60%

    Effects: Max-pitch Enderdragon Wing Flap noise upon first jump. High-pitched explosion noise when Shockwave is released. Releases large amounts of ground-specific particles(as though you took a high amount of fall damage) upon jumping, and small amounts of ground-specific particles(as though you took a low amount of fall damage) upon small jumps.

    Strike: Suddenly lunge towards the enemy at high speed after targeting them.
    Upgrades: Lv 21, Lv 36, Lv 56
    Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - LEFT

    Grade I:
    Hunger: 10
    Damage: 50%(10% Air)

    Details: Hit enemies within a one block radius of a line of ‘unraveling’ and piercing particles 8 blocks, at 2 blocks per 0.1 seconds for 50% damage. 0.5 seconds after casting, the player lunges 8 blocks in the direction of the enemy affected last(straight forward on a miss), dealing 150% damage and inflicting 8 blocks of knockback to any enemy contacted. Total Damage: 50-200%

    Grade II:
    Hunger: 9
    Damage: 100%(10% Air)
    +Iron Shoulder, severely reduce damage taken while slamming

    Details: Hit enemies within a one block radius of a line of ‘unraveling’ and piercing particles 8 blocks, at 2 blocks per 0.1 seconds for 100% damage. 0.5 seconds after casting, the player lunges 8 blocks in the direction of the enemy affected last(straight forward on a miss), dealing 175% damage and inflicting 8 blocks of knockback to any enemy contacted. Damage is reduced by 80% during the slam, and knockback to the player is nullified. Total Damage: 100-275%

    Grade III:
    Hunger: 8
    Damage: 150%(15% Air, 50% Fire on Break Shot)
    +Break Shot, cause a surprising explosion after the slam that debilitates enemies

    Details: Hit enemies within a one block radius of a line of ‘unraveling’ and piercing particles 8 blocks, at 2 blocks per 0.1 seconds for 150% damage. 0.5 seconds after casting, the player lunges 8 blocks in the direction of the enemy affected last(straight forward on a miss), dealing 200% damage and inflicting 8 blocks of knockback to any enemy contacted. Damage is reduced by 80% during the slam, and knockback is nullified. 0.15 seconds after contacting the ground, cause a 3 block radius explosion around you, dealing 50% damage, causing 10 blocks of knockback, and inflicting Blindness for 1 second and clearing status buffs the enemy has. Total Damage: 150-400%

    Effects: Particle line is Iron Block breaking particles. Enemies targeted by the initial Strike release lava dripping particles. Particle line plays max-pitch Piston Extend noise every 0.1 seconds. Enemies hit by the particle line will play max-pitch Piston Retract noise. Break Shot plays max-pitch Large Firework Blast noise and causes explosion effect around player.

    Succor: Pump your allies up and debilitate foes with an expanding wave of aura.
    Upgrades: Lv 31, Lv 46, Lv 66
    Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - LEFT

    Grade I:
    Hunger: 9
    Damage: 30%(10% Water)
    +10% Strength bonus for 1.5 minutes

    Details: Create a slowly expanding, 1-block tall shockwave originating from where you cast. Expands by 1 block in all directions every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds. Deals 30% damage per hit and knocks back enemies caught in the shockwave by 2 blocks, while giving allies who touch the wave Strength I for 90 seconds. Current shockwave fades if Succor is cast again. Total damage: 30-240%

    Grade II:
    Hunger: 8
    Damage: 30%(10% Water)
    +15% Strength bonus for 2 minutes
    +Hesitance, cause enemies to become scared and hit weaker for a time

    Details: Create a slowly expanding, 1-block tall shockwave originating from where you cast. Expands by 1 block in all directions every 0.5 seconds for 4.5 seconds. Deals 30% damage per hit and inflicts Weakness I for 20 seconds, and knocks back enemies caught in the shockwave by 2 blocks, while giving allies who touch the wave Strength II for 120 seconds. Current shockwave fades if Succor is cast again. Total damage: 30-270%

    Grade III:
    Hunger: 7
    Damage: 40%(10% Water, Steam deals 15% Earth and 15% Air Damage)
    +20% Strength bonus for 2.5 minutes
    +Rupture, fractures the ground to release damaging steam at the end of the attack

    Details: Create a slowly expanding, 1-block tall shockwave originating from where you cast. Expands by 1 block in all directions every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds. Deals 40% damage per hit, inflicts Weakness II for 20 seconds, and knocks back enemies caught in the shockwave by 3 blocks, while giving allies who touch the wave Strength III for 150 seconds. Releases a burst of steam 3 blocks tall at the end of the shockwave’s reach, knocking enemies 6 blocks into the air and dealing 100% damage. Only releases steam from blocks on the same Y coordinate as the initial cast. Current shockwave fades if Succor is cast again. Total damage: 40-500%

    Effects: Spreads blue and blue-gray firework particles, as well as water breaking particles around affected area. Plays max-pitch thunder ambience within a 16 block radius. Steam jets play lowest-pitch lava fizzling noise and zombie door-smashing noise, and releases a burst of smoke particles.

    Example Weapons:

    Oak Wood Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 3-7
    Lv. min: 1

    Birch Wood Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 6-14
    Lv. min: 6

    Spruce Wood Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 13-21
    Lv. min: 13

    Jungle Wood Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 17-30
    Lv. min: 19

    Flawless Oak Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 29-45
    Lv. min: 28

    Flawless Birch Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 36-70
    Lv. min: 36

    Flawless Spruce Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 54-96
    Lv. min: 45

    Flawless Jungle Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 68-130
    Lv. min: 53

    Pure Oak Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 76-142
    Lv. min: 56

    Pure Birch Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 89-171
    Lv. min: 61

    Pure Spruce Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 107-201
    Lv. min: 67

    Pure Jungle Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 124-226
    Lv. min: 72

    Impeccable Oak Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 138-264
    Lv. min: 78

    Impeccable Birch Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 157-303
    Lv. min: 84

    Impeccable Spruce Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 188-346
    Lv. min: 91

    Impeccable Jungle Axe
    Normal Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 210-390
    Lv. min: 97

    VIP+ Reskin: Berserker

    Spell 1: Assault
    Spell 2: Rush
    Spell 3: Blitz
    Spell 4: Outcry

    Notice: I'd appreciate help figuring out concepts for the alternate visuals for the Berserker's spells. I've been having trouble with that, so I could use some aid.

    <pre-crash repost; previously had 179 positive votes>
  2. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    Please tell me you had this saved, and didn't have to re type the whole thing....
    Goden, PyroPyxel, Twilo101 and 38 others like this.
  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    <_< uh

    sure yeah I had it saved totally
  4. Plasma~

    Plasma~ Antishitposter

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    Is it Tal?
    TNTWaffles likes this.
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Good and thorough explanation of the class. About the weapons, I know you can't obviously spoil anything for the You-Know-What, though I assumed that there will be a TON of weapon variety, not just spears for warriors and cleavers for assassins, etc. So if this were to be implemented, I think the weapons would be renamed and/or each have a special texture. Also just as a side note about few of the spells, Succor could have a slightly less range (From a total of 8 to 6 blocks) to make it not so powerful and maybe even adding a mechanic where the player initially jumps in the air and then smashes into the ground on the initial spell cast.
    Realises and 3XTWISTEDTITAN like this.
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Nyam, Stag2001 and Jbip like this.
  7. WootInABoot

    WootInABoot Creature VIP+

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    So much yes!!!
  8. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    The range-reduction would just be a strict nerf, seeing as many other skills can exceed 500% damage with a bit of effort, or even none at all(Arrow Storm, Bomb Arrow, Smoke Bomb) and this one is exceedingly difficult to get 500% damage on.

    What would the jump add to the spell, though? Stuff like War Scream you'd imagine would have some sort of a stance to use, but you can just use it on the fly with no stopping. Having the player jump would only be detrimental, the way I'm thinking of it.
    shipbreaker!!! and Kaelan~ like this.
  9. yotamdin

    yotamdin Is actually a cute anime girl in real life VIP

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    Really nice one! I feel like the game really needed a new class for a long time! And that's the best awnser!
    PyroPyxel and Stag2001 like this.
  10. McFuzzyChipmunk

    McFuzzyChipmunk Knights of Gavel Guild Master

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    Hey selvut great idea I've been wanting a heavier class for a while and that's great.

    Also sorry for saying the junk merchants are cheapskates to them wolf fangs are worth more than emeralds.
  11. Teh Sweg Lord

    Teh Sweg Lord Travelled Adventurer

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    Amazing Idea, all I think is the the level requirement needs to be lowered a little bit

    Some more class idea's if you want to make them:
    PyroPyxel likes this.
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    About the jump, I thought of it as more as a tactic and would make it harder to get the max damage out of. For example, if you're cornered or in a sticky situation, you would use it to escape just like the archer, but not as high. The player would then have to get the aim right once coming down depending on the terrain (hilly vs. flat) or in PvP to get a critical hit on the foe. This is just my concept of it, so it may not be the best in the world, though I thought it was more unique.
    PyroPyxel likes this.
  13. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    Again, Succor doesn't need a nerf. 500% damage on would already be extremely difficult to get, so making aiming harder would actually lessen its usefulness to the point of becoming underpowered, and as for the jump to evade attacks, Strafe does that with the initial leap and Shockwave ability.
    Kaelan~ likes this.
  14. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Alright, good post btw.
  15. Mr_Nufu

    Mr_Nufu It`s just me.. VIP+

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    I like this class, it will be cool if it will be added. Sadly with 9/7 a lot of the support has been deleted.. :(

    +1 btw
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
  16. field

    field VIP+

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    +1 supporties

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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  18. SeanThomas2

    SeanThomas2 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Good and well thought-out idea
  19. hworple

    hworple Travelled Adventurer

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    sounds great!!!!!!!!!
  20. FlamingPinecone

    FlamingPinecone infinite lava source VIP

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    Rip warrior 2015: Replaced by soldier
    Wynncraft doesn't need another melee class.
    CountBurn likes this.
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