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Game Mechanics Class Concept: The Muskeeter

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by RandomNames?, Mar 24, 2025 at 6:06 PM.


is this cool?

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  1. RandomNames?

    RandomNames? Newbie Adventurer

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    I've been thinking about this for a while, and it was suppose to be sent a week ago but then i realised i was writing the post without logging in, which I lost basically everything I wrote when I tried to send it. So, here's a more polished and revamped version of the concept.

    The playstyle of the Muskeeter is something similar to those of ranged classes like archer or mage, but it is more focused on dealing extremely high damage in one go in a far range, instead of damage chipping like many other classes do.

    - The main weapon the Muskeeter would use would be a gun (obviously). Most of them would have slow attack speeds, but very high damage. The main attack would be a shot from the gun in a long distance.

    - The first spell of the Muskeeter is Quick Reload, which resets your weapon's main attack cooldown and makes the next main attack deal 25% more damage than before.

    - The second spell of the Muskeeter is Explosive Barrel, which performs a burst of small projectiles, dealing only 50% of the damage of your bullets. You'll also be launched back by recoil.

    - The third spell of the Muskeeter is Rapier Dash, which basically makes you charge forwards.

    - The fourth spell of the Muskeeter is Precise Assault, which makes you shoot a delayed beam of power, dealing double the damage of the average bullet.

    This class has 3 archetypes (I don't think it would have more than 3): Marauder, Soldier and Marksman.

    - Marauder: Agressive playstyle, with the objective is to deal as much damage as you can in quick succession. Your main focus is the Cruelness ability, which helps you dealing higher damage. You also have now less focus on attacking in far distances.

    - Soldier: Tanky and crowd control focused. Soldier is a pure survivalist archetype that will (probably) prevent you from dying. Using it's semi versitile abilities to keep you alive, and the high crowd control to keep enemies at bay, you can now survive longer than you should.

    - Marksman: "Who needs melee if you have a literal gun?" Said the Marksman. This archetype focuses on being very far away and the main gimmick of the Muskeeter's "high-damage-in-one-go". It also provides some crowd control. What a coward.

    Nodes (only those that are important or already thought out)
    Just a reminder that this isn't EVERY single node for the skill tree and the current abilities may or may not be changed in any kind of way. (and abt the fact the "more is less" guideline thing, these are just ideas i've came with out of the blue and I don't want to waste them)

    - Marauder Archetyped Nodes:

    - Cruelness - You have a bar that fills up a percentage depending on how much damage you did in the first shot (abilities don't count). Now main attack damage will be increased scaling on how much Cruelness you have. But to increase the percentage, you must deal more damage than the percentage (abilities don't count here too). Caps at 100%. If you haven't dealt more damage, your bar will quickly decay, reaching 0%.

    - Brains Out - Explosive Barrel, when hitting an agressive enemy in a 2> block radious, deal 60% more damage and receive a massive recoil upon shooting. Explosive Barrel's range is halved.

    - No Escape - Rapier Dash will make agressive mobs that were hit by the dash be grappled, bringing them along with the player.

    - One By One - Each kill will increase your Cruelness bar by 3%.

    - Last Shell - At 100% Cruelness, when using an ability that deals damage and also when you are shifting, that attack will deal 80% more damage and will slow and weaken the victim for 3 seconds. Doing so will clear your Cruelness bar and waste 35% more mana.

    - Imorality - Abilities that deal damage will now count on the Cruelness bar, but the Cruelness effect doesn't affect the percentage.

    - Soldier Archetyped Nodes:

    - Frontlines - Gain knockback immunity, but you won't suffer recoil from Explosive Barrel.

    - Hardhat - Rapier Dash will push nearby enemies, slightly damaging them.

    - Materialism - Explosive Barrel and Precise Assault have now less accuracy, but they'll shoot extra projectiles.

    - Absolute Bravery - Getting 50% health will make your abilities cost 30% less mana and gain 45% damage resistance that slowly decays until you get above 50% health. Rapier Dash now has more velocity.

    - Extended Magazine - Your main attack now only gets cooldown when shooting 2 times. Quick Reload will give you a speed boost upon activation.

    - Marksman Archetyped Nodes:

    - Concentrated Aim - Exploding Barrel is less spread and has increased range.

    - Bounty Hunter - Every successful hit from an agressive mob that is farther than 10 blocks will give you 1 Target. Target will increase your main attack range (and damage by 10%) and Precise Assault range by +1 block each, but will increase the requirement to kill a mob at a distance by +1 block. Each shot while having Target will cost 1 Target.

    - Sharp Ammunition - Your bullets now pierce through enemies.

    - Firestarter - When using Precise Assault, create a row of fire below which burns enemies.

    - Continuing Glare - Quick Reload will give you +2 block range the next time you shoot normally. Gain +2 block range for the cost of 1 Target.

    - Retreat - Rapier Dash now charges backwards, leaving an AOE of slowness from the previous location.

    - Slaughter Squad - Piercing through an enemy while having Target will make the pierced mobs suffer 30% more damage. Costs 2 Target.

    - Emerald Shot - Rapier Dash will cause you to lose 1 emerald, but that emerald will be thrown upwards by you. Shooting the emerald will send it ricoshet to the nearest enemy in a 20 block radious, dealing 40% more damage. Using Precise Assault on the emerald will make the emerald deal 85% more damage and higher velocity.
    (this one is a joke ability, don't take it seriously)
    Elysium_ likes this.
  2. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    Mandatory 'the CT doesn't accept class suggestions and this would be better in the Your Work forum'.

    Still, you didn't make it with AI, so this is a much more respectable suggestion. Good on you!
    Deusphage likes this.
  3. RandomNames?

    RandomNames? Newbie Adventurer

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    whats the work forum, also, you didn't need to mention the AI. People ridiculise people who even mention using AI in any way, shape or form. And I don't want any of that humiliation :sob:
  4. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    hello please remove the black text formatting, the suggestion is very hard to read in dark mode
    Dr Zed and Melkor like this.
  5. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    The 'Your Work' forum is most suitable for game ideas that can't really be taken as serious suggestions, like major gameplay additions (classes, raids, dungeons), although it's primarily occupied with various other fandom subjects seeing as most people who want to suggest infeasible ideas do so in General Suggestions.
  6. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    Infeasible? :pensive:

    I will say, though: if a new class hasn't come around in this long, it feels safe to say there aren't any forthcoming. Aside from a truly stuck-to-the-ground, plodding buff-merchant, I can't think of a niche in gameplay that really needs filling. There's already a sniping archetype for Archer; if anything... these are all some variant of Archer archetype. Other than the ULTRAKILL coin thing.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 9:43 PM
  7. RandomNames?

    RandomNames? Newbie Adventurer

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    finally somebody talked abt the ultrakill referance
  8. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    I think that the idea of a musketeer should be instead an archetype of the Archer (which IMO should be renamed to Ranger), and I say this because I've been planning on a rework idea for the weapon system that adds more weapon types, and one of them is the firearm for the Archer.
  9. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    Especially considering that weapons can be given different attack speeds via stat changes and they aren't always innate, I do think that weapons clearly suited for specific archetypes could be reskinned to be consistent with the proposed rework.