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Website & Forums Discourage the usage of AI to produce suggestions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Deusphage, Mar 22, 2025.


Do you agree that AI posts should be discouraged?

  1. I agree, and believe they should be locked by a moderator

    17 vote(s)
  2. I agree, but believe they shouldn't be locked

    7 vote(s)
  3. I am indifferent

    3 vote(s)
  4. I disagree

    5 vote(s)
  1. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    AI is definitely used on the forums by people of varying degrees. Sometimes it's used to rewrite ideas if someone's not fluent in English or has a writing disability, for other times the OP just uses what an AI wrote up when asked "make a suggestion to improve wynncraft" and passes it off as their own. It's actually not that hard to tell apart AI posts from genuine posts. You'll find the AI uses less diction variety, it has a much more rigid sentence structure, and also follows a formula for writing posts. The biggest giveaway it's AI though is when it hallucinates stuff that's not in the game even when it already is or already is in the game but it thinks it isn't (as an example- I asked ChatGPT to "make a suggestion to improve wynncraft", and it thought world events and festivals don't already exist).
    culpitisn'taword and Elysium_ like this.
  2. Game Bad

    Game Bad Travelled Adventurer

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    Yeah no. My writing style has been accused of being AI by people on other ends of the internet from this place. You certainly don't /know/ that writing is AI unless you were the one who generated it. You are not able to develop pattern recognition that can help you discern between something a robot came up with and something a human came up with - since you don't have the ability to verify the assumptions you made when developing what you believe is the pattern of "AI writing". The thing is that the people who think my writing is AI just don't spend enough time with un-fluffy, fact-oriented writing that needs to be aimed at professionals within a field.
  3. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    ...you know OP is on the team that develops this game, right?
  4. Game Bad

    Game Bad Travelled Adventurer

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    I have played this game. The dev team, bless them, are not what I would describe as omniscient.
  5. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    There's a reason it says 'discourage' and not 'scour and expunge McCarthy-style'. This thread doesn't come without precedent (though funnily enough, that thread is gone now; "Allow All Classes to Use All Types of Weapons"), and the original poster of that thread even admitted to its use when the AI used created a unanimously meandering suggestion that hallucinated aspects and restrictions of the game that do not exist. Sure, you can't catch them all in a more general sense, but when having to create a substantial argument for a game WITHIN a game that is as specific, dynamic and in-depth as this, LLM-churnings will be as obvious as the occasions they had already been detected in.
    Elytry likes this.
  6. Game Bad

    Game Bad Travelled Adventurer

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    Well, I got told off by OP once for "necro-posting" by participating in a post that was on the first page of results for general suggestions. There isn't enough activity on this forum for AI that's nonsensical to be weighing things down, and if the AI post can be understood than other people have made good arguments here about it being an accessibility tool. My argument is still that this it's a bad idea to witch hunt AI writing because it would be impossible to develop guidelines around detecting AI. The people who think a post is AI are of differing minds as to what criteria means something is AI, and I haven't been convinced by any of them.
  7. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    And I already made my argument as to why it doesn't actually make anything more accessible when it creates more work for the end user to do to begin with. Curating, editing, fact-checking, which will be even more tedious if you have a disability you used AI to compensate for. Take your grudge with Deusphage to another thread, I'm the heel of this forum now.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2025
  8. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    have you considered that the reason you cant find AI posts is because the 4 AI posts made this weekend have all been taken down?
  9. Game Bad

    Game Bad Travelled Adventurer

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    My only grudge is with the idea proposed. Pretty obvious considering that I'm criticizing the idea.
  10. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    Then just mention that you think posts here are infrequent without the little jibe.

    As for your previous point, you're right; there are no good criteria and cases will vary, because the AI is inconsistent and doesn't really have the extractible experience actual players of WynnCraft have, let alone anything that isn't written down, and it will never really know what two concepts to associate together outside of guessing based on a percentage of confidence. It will never gain that experience outside of piecing partial pictures together through scrapings of numbers and text. It can't play WynnCraft nor form its own conclusions of what it's like to play it. So it's not going to be very good at making meaningful suggestions for it without significant input from the end user that would have been better spent gaining experience or researching to support their point, rather than justify the word of something that spoke for them.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 8:39 AM
    Tzelofachad likes this.
  11. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I think you overestimate the competency of AI to write suggestions for wynncraft. It has very little clue what would actually make for good features or changes, and always lays things out in the same format LLMs use.
    I know for certain that some of these posts were indeed AI because when it was brought up, the creators would sometimes admit themselves that they had used generative AI to produce the content of their posts.
  12. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I don't have anything against using AI to improve writing that already exists (well maybe a little), but my problem is that it almost invariably puts down a bunch of nonsense. Sometimes it's just details and specific examples that are nonsensical, sometimes it's enough that I have to wonder if the person who is ostensibly behind the suggestion has even played the game. This is even worse in the questions section, where I have seen outright nonsense responses to questions. The suggestions is just annoying and at worst just ruins a chance at a really good post, but questions is really annoying and actually potentially harmful (inasmuch as misinformation about a Minecraft server can be).

    I hate the irresponsibility AI chatbots foster in spreading nonsense and misinformation as opposed to actual, factual information and real views and opinions. Yes, it's just a Minecraft server, and if you make a suggestion that's totally nonsensical about how some feature that's in the game should be added or something like that, it doesn't really matter. But at the same time, don't we owe it to the people around us the minimum decency to use our own words, thoughts, and experience when trying to convince them, instead of having some chatbot hallucinate up a reason in order to get... likes on a Minecraft server forum? Upvotes on a meaningless poll? More cynically speaking, a bit of testing and feedback to improve their chatbot? It rubs me the wrong way. Maybe I'm a crazy internet boomer on this, but it just feels disrespectful.

    I don't wanna sound super rude to people who are just trying to use it to rephrase something they already wrote, or who have trouble putting something into words, but I'd rather read a massive jumble of terrible wording of a good idea than a masterfully composed paragraph of total nonsense. If someone's actually doing the work and just has it tidy up their work, I think that's different from just telling to to make a suggestion about <topic>. I don't really mind the former (though I'd rather hear it in their own words), but I wouldn't complain about mods removing the latter.
  13. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    It's harmless enough, but it does come off as a bit overly-precious of a draft in the best-case, and in the worst case distrustful of others' ability to meaningfully engage with them, as if they would be misunderstood completely or that no attempt to communicate would be made if there was a misunderstanding. (Not to say that's an unwarranted concern these days.....)

    It's important to remember that these are just posts on a forum. Unless you're in 'Your Work' and you're typing a novella or two, with possibly the worst BBCode experience available on XenForo (WHY CAN'T I ITALICIZE ANYTHING? I TRIED IT JUST THERE), there is more incentive to speak as yourself than there is to type 'perfectly'.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 8:40 AM
  14. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    For example the coop lootrun thread was AI, we all roasted it, OP reuploaded it as a word salad, and we all treated it well.
  15. DeVerge

    DeVerge Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    do there are any actual ai made posts or it's just fearmongering all over again? The only somewhat similar posts are the new classes suggestions, as they are pretty weird and have nothing to do with wynn style, but it's still not a "threat" as every new class posts are scrapped anyway
  16. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    Previously, yeah, but they're gone now. The authors themselves deleted their threads and went to the whetstone, and given that BashfulNuke's and RandomNames?'s personally written threads are perfectly legible and in-depth I don't see why they thought they needed it at all.
  17. DeVerge

    DeVerge Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    So the trash took itself out. I don't even see the reason for AI to be used for posts, as 95% of the suggestions are fixes of the already existing problems and as I said, the remaining 5% are new class posts that are scrapped anyway(ai or not) as it's very hard to come up with a new class that would work for wynn.
  18. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    Which is why I'm of the opinion that while I would like to see generative AI's use in this way discouraged, the threads should remain unlocked. I stand for the intactness of a person's agency over all else, and to remove everyone's access to the thread is to close off an important avenue of communication, at a critical moment where the OP of that thread believes they aren't meaningfully capable of it. It alienates that person further, as any opportunity for them to speak for themselves over something they believed was necessary is torn from them. I'm not 100% on it, but does locking the thread also prevent the OP from deleting it? In a way, that too is a form of self-expression, and not only would they be deprived of it, but the thread would then remain as the sediment of an irrecoverable faux-pas associated with them, for everyone to revisit at its worst moment. I don't think that kind of thing is necessary.

    And, yes, it kind of is that serious for me. "Forgive me if what has seemed little to you, to me is all" and all that.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 8:42 AM
  19. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    GenAI in general is a blunt powertool - you use it to make jobs that require automation easier, or giving you a base jumping point for coding (though even that is ethically debatable). Using it in an environment such as this game's forums is not only unnecessary and robotic, it's also highly susceptible to hallucination - LLMs like ChatGPT, Claude, Deepseek etc. are trained on datasets not necessarily exclusive to Wynncraft, so it will start making up things it has no information about (which is also why it's not a good tool to write research papers in an academic environment, but that's beyond the scope of the forums).

    That being said, these are my opinions, I do not speak for the whole team.
  20. RandomNames?

    RandomNames? Newbie Adventurer

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    wait huh what did i do, if it was abt the diologue thing don't you think i kinda needed it? i wanted it to be medieval english, i can't just learn that