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Game Mechanics Rebalance World Event Level Based on Number of Players in a Party

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Soniflare, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. Soniflare

    Soniflare The Loremaster VIP+

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    Please let me know if this was already suggested.

    I don't have any friends that play Wynncraft to play in a party with, so World Events are nearly impossible for me to complete (especially since I'm already lvl 55). I saw on the wiki that the enemies and bosses are leveled based on the level of the highest-leveled player, which is good, but I feel like this would greatly benefit from also leveling based on number of players in the party.

    For example:
    - 5+ players, 100% of usual leveling (based on highest level player)
    - 4 players, 95% of usual leveling
    - 3 players, 80% of usual leveling
    - 2 players, 70% of usual leveling
    - 1 player, 50% of usual leveling

    This way, it would make these World Events much more doable for solo players like me, and even for generally smaller parties.

    (Though, realistically, would this just mean I suck at the game...?)
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    This is already a thing. World events scale based on the number of players in a party
    That being said, they are designed to be done with multiple players. If you are struggling to do them solo, create a partyfinder party or team up with players on other worlds at those world events.
  3. Soniflare

    Soniflare The Loremaster VIP+

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    Oh, ok. Thanks for the info! I didn't know you could create "partyfinder" parties.
    Tzelofachad likes this.
  4. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    From a gameplay standpoint, this makes world events completely unplayable for most players because I think I speak for everyone here when I say, absolutely NOBODY wants to go through party finder and make a party just to be able to do a 3-5 minute event that doesn't even have particularly good rewards.
    It's not the fault of the OP for not doing it in a party because number one, that's just bad game design to force players to band together for such a minor event; and number two, World Events aren't just things you "struggle" to solo, they're almost straightup impossible to solo as a normal player and I don't think I've ever seen anywhere in-game that explicitly mentions that you're supposed to do them with other players at all.
    World Events need to be completely rebalanced because as many problems as they already have with how they're initiated and their misleading name, they're even worse because there is not a single justifiable reason that they should be so borderline impossible to do solo when their rewards are so mediocre in the first place.
    Of course, none of this applies to Annie.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2025
    Tzelofachad likes this.
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I think rebalancing the multiplayer content to be focused on single player would suck. We should implement better ways for players to group together, not dismantle the present system and design
    Smallersnail likes this.
  6. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    The balance doesn't need to focus on single player; it can still be challenging content for solo, it just needs to not be straightup nearly impossible for normal players to accomplish.
    If the design of World Events is made in such a way that I have an easier time solo-killing Orphion than I do soloing a world event, then that means one of them is fundamentally poorly designed, and I'm pretty sure it isn't Orphion. I would be pointing at the difficulty of World Events even if they were just harder to solo than Dungeons... but Raid bosses? This is not a "difficulty is fine, make it easier to group up" situation, it is just straightup bad design or at the very least terrible balancing and it absolutely needs to be changed.
  7. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    So... Balanced for singleplayer.
    Tzelofachad likes this.
  8. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    Yes, balanced for singleplayer. But not focused on it, which is what you said before. "Focused" on singleplayer would mean that there's no difference in difficulty when you add more players.
  9. Soniflare

    Soniflare The Loremaster VIP+

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    I feel like there's an argument for both sides of "make it easier on solo players" and "just make it easier to party up", but I think the best way would probably be to have the event know whether a player is alone or not. That way, if it's just a solo player, the difficulty would adjust accordingly. But if there are more than one player, thus being a party, it would stick with its usual balancing calculations. That way, it's still well and good for multiplayer, but solo players also get a decent chance of completion.

    It'd be really cool if they implemented such a mechanic, but I doubt it'll happen, because of the above arguments for it being a multiplayer-focused event. I wouldn't call it "bad game design", as that's a bit harsh and non-specific. Certain aspects work for some people in the player base, and don't work as well for some other people in the player base. That's not bad design, it's just specific design. You can't please everyone when making a game. I'd like to make sure we keep perspective of that.