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Game Mechanics Rebirth

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Computekk, Jan 18, 2025.



  1. Pretty good

    1 vote(s)
  2. Needs some work, but good general idea

    0 vote(s)
  3. Bad idea

    4 vote(s)
  1. Computekk

    Computekk Steampunk Virtuoso

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    I can almost guarantee this has been suggested before, potentially in mass, but I’m on mobile and can’t seem to find another thread about it so I’ll throw this out there


    There’s a couple ways this could operate, so I’ll list my potential options down below:

    1. When you reach the max combat level (not including the secret level), you have the option to rebirth, setting your level back to 1, and adding a rebirth counter next to your name (there is no limit, so you can flex that you rebirthed 20,000 times if you’d like)

    2. When you complete all main story quests, you can rebirth, same mechanics otherwise

    3. A combination of 1 and 2 (Essentially 100% story and combat level)


    1. All story progress is reset a la starting a new class. However, all of your items in your banks and inventory are preserved.

    2. A rebirth is added to your name in Roman numerals (Ex. [IV] [Ar/25/GLD] Username)

    3. Quest rewards will not be given out on reborn classes (Unless it is a required quest item), to prevent item and money farming.

    4. Speaking of quest rewards, LE will still be awarded, but in half the amount. This does not change per rebirth.

    5. You can unlock certain cosmetic rewards as you rebirth, for instance, hats, tags, pets, skins, bombs, etc.

    ————Rebirth Reward Example Ideas————

    1 Rebirth: [Reborn] Tag displayed above player model, toggled

    5 Rebirths: Some cool hat or a collection of skins

    20 Rebirths: Phoenix Pet (and a bunch of other rewards because they get better the further you go, it’s a hard thing to rebirth this many times)

    100 Rebirths: [Immortal] tag and a bunch of other stuff

    250: you get the idea…

    How does this work with leaderboard levels and stats? Well, your max level reached is what is preserved, so if you rebirth, your leaderboard will reflect level 104/105 or whatever, but you will have a rebirth mark added to it, so your level positions are not really affected.

    This is a real basic rundown, let me know if you have suggestions or if you just hate it
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    105(/6) won't be the highest level for long, given Fruma will raise the cap, and Dern will likely do the same. It feels weird to add a prestige mechanic now. Maybe after both are out and we have an idea of what the level cap might stay at, then potentially.

    That being said, this doesnt feel like a good idea, even then. If you want max level on 5 classes, you already have to play through the entire game five times. A lot of quests aren't anywhere near as enjoyable as they are the first time around. If it was something like a souls game, a New Game+ makes a lot of sense, given the amount of routes the story and individual characters can take and bits of side content there is, but for Wynn it frankly doesn't seem like an enjoyable experience.
    Elytry likes this.
  3. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    Wynncraft does not need prestige mechanics IMO.
    Elytry, Stonefriend and Deusphage like this.