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Guilds Give rewards to attacking in guild wars!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by _Rippi, Jan 8, 2025.


do you believe guild warring needs this feature?

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  1. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    Hello there its me infrequent poster #143, I'm here to suggest a simple change to warring that would incentivize people to do it more!

    "Attacking a territory successfully also grants the attacking guild emerald packages¹ depending on the treasury tier."

    Now to explain to the non warrers here what I mean:
    Guild emeralds, also called emerald packages (the ones you give to guild members or some alt idk) are the ones that you get from doing weeklies, guild raiding or using emerald seek on your territories
    They are given in packages of 16 eb (or 1024 emeralds, or 0.25 le), and it is the main way your guild gets emeralds
    Treasury is based on how long a territory remained untaken (it goes from very low to low to medium to high to very high)

    If you ask any active enough warrers they can tell you that attacking claims is dead, since you don't win anything monetary from doing it (in fact, you lose money from consumables spent), and holding a claim forever is more beneficial.

    So to fix that, attacking territories with treasuries should give emerald packages, as an extra reward for taking them paid to the guild (other suggestions such as giving emeralds directly to the war contributors have been said but i think using the guild emerald packages is neater).

    The rates are 2^n-1
    (n being territory tier, which would be very low = 1, low = 2, medium = 3, high = 4 and very high), but for the uneducated it would be 1 emerald package for vlow, 2 for a low, 4 for a medium, 16 for a high and 64 for a very high (crazy jumps). BUT those numbers are a bit of a big jump, so if the singular guild related ct (idk who works but it seems like there must be one) does this, they should use 2^n-2 (vhighs would give 16 emerald packages (4 le), while vlows would give half an emerald package, which would round to zero (so no emeralds for taking vlows)). You could also take the boldest route of 2^n emerald packages (so 16 le for a vhigh, which might be fair because getting a vhigh treasury to appear is a gold mine in terms of season rating anyway)

    This achieves a couple of things:
    • Incentivizes everyone to war: warring has no immediate and clear reward (the possibility of tomes and emeralds from the seek upgrades, the unnoticeable season rating increase are not something that give dopamine, unlike lootrunning or raids), so giving it a reward will add more players to the warring scene (which lacks players)
    • Adds more guilds into the warring scene: most guilds nowadays only guild raid, instead of actually warring, and will add more warrers into the scene (which is needed to keep it alive... honestly)
    If I forgot to mention anything, please uh say so i have more reasons on why this is a good idea.
    oh yeah silly me, this would need an increase in emerald guild bank (since 30 is not enough)
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
    Tzelofachad likes this.
  2. NerdyGamer2012

    NerdyGamer2012 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    We need this
    _Rippi likes this.