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New Class Idea -Brawler-

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Strider457, Jan 1, 2025.


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  1. Strider457

    Strider457 Travelled Adventurer

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    Main attack: A Punch

    Weapon: Gauntlet

    Spell 1: Kick (Pretty much halfmoon swipe)

    Spell 2: Lunge‍♀️ (primary movement spell. Like dash but with less momentum drop of and does single target damage on the enemy hit.

    Spell 3: I don't have a name it's just a big punch. Think uppercut damage but knocks enemies backward. or Falco Punch from smash

    Spell 4: Backflip: ✨wow 2 movement spells✨ like escape but with very little backward momentum. It can only be performed on or near the ground like escape. Might switch with lunge as spell 2. It's a set up spell for later. Think of a backflip-lunge-punch-backflip combo

    General abilities:
    -If backflip is canceled smash down to the ground dealing AoE damage


    Void (don't have a name) : it's kinda like shade stepper but less 1 hit damage and more survivability.

    -When you use punch enter the voids echo with whatever enemies you hit.

    -These enemies will only attack you and you can only damage them no other mobs.

    -All other enemies will not be able to see you but other players can still damage the enemies in the void. Enemies take 50% more damage while in this state. FROM ONLY YOU

    -It lasts 10 seconds.

    -Punching while crouching will exit the void state.

    And there is a cool down just like vanish

    -Killing enemies in the void will increase its duration by 1 second per kill.

    Wind Weaver: if acrobat and battle monk had a child

    -Kick turns into a spin kick. that deals damage around the player

    -Spin kick eventually will summon a tornado lifting you and any enemies in it off the ground slowly damaging them and hovering you about 5 blocks above where it was cast. if cast mid air the tornado will simply hover.

    -After 5 seconds the tornado will fade, lowering everything in it to the base of where it was cast.

    -Crouching while casting spin kick will not summon a tornado.

    -Enemies are slowed in the tornado.

    If another tornado is cast the other will instantly start to fade with only about a second left.

    -Punch kb is increased.

    -If punch is cast in or at the tornado send the tornado in that direction

    -Backflip will hover you mid air at the peak of its verticality for a short duration.

    -Backflip can be performed mid air.

    If crouching while backflipping bring the enemies in front of you with you. they do not hover with you.

    Fire: Aoe burn + big number

    -Your main attack inflicts burn. (just like flaming uppercut)

    -Kick turns into a fiery stomp that deals damage in a cone shape and has a 5 block range and inflicts burn.

    -Lunge will now make a magma pack 3 blocks wide that inflicts burn to any mobs on top + more damage if they are actively on top of it.

    -Burn damage does AoE around the enemy. allowing burn damage to stack if 2 burning enemies are next to each other

    -Burn spreads if an enemy is next to a burning one for 2 seconds.

    -Backflips smash down will consume all of the burn from enemies instantly doing 150% of the remaining burn damage instantly. Its AoE has a radius of 3 or 2.5 blocks.

    -Punch will consume all of magma patches and the burn from nearby enemies and focus it all onto the enemies being hit. Aoe 5 block radius for burn consumption.

    Bonus (might replace void)

    Earth: high damage slow attacks but applies slow and stunning to make up for it.

    -Punch will be directed towards the ground making the ground shake dealing damage in a 3 block radius and stunning enemies.

    -Kick now sends up a wall of earth sending enemies flying. The wall will stay active for 10 seconds or until its health is depleted. Your max walls is 2 with a cool down between when they can be cast.

    -Hitting an earth wall with punch will send its rocks flying in that direction dealing damage to enemies they hit and stunning them

    -Punches shake will now pulse 3 times with decreased damage.

    -Backflip is so strong it breaks the ground bringing 3 rocks with you. Using your main attack while still airborne will launch throw 1 rock per attack.

    -When an enemy is stunned it takes extra damage.

    -Lunge will no longer move you and instead summon a mini grootslang that will charge at enemies.

    -Your grootslang will drag enemies toward you.

    There's my idea. Void needs to be flushed out a bit more. Fire is like garbage for bosses. But wind weaver kinda saves fire in bosses. I can see fire doing LI okay because of the summons of most bosses and punch can still consume magma patches for extra damage. I also need some way to get more enemies from outside of the voids echo into it. Earth is okay and needs to be flushed out a bit too. Open to ideas.

    I tried to theme each archetype off of some race/area. so void is the void/darkness, air is the avos, earth is the grootslang, and fire is the doguns.

    Lemme know what you think
  2. BnGGaming

    BnGGaming Travelled Adventurer

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    I love it! Something like this could totally work as a new class.

    Things like the walls with the earth archetype could have an aspect that gives an extra wall and more hp. It does seem pretty similar to warrior, but I think the earth controlling part differentiates it enough. However, I don't know about the grootslang thing. I like the idea, but getting rid of your movement spell for it seems... strange. As an archetype that is probably already slow moving, I think that would just be too much.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2025
    Strider457 likes this.
  3. Strider457

    Strider457 Travelled Adventurer

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    i was thinking since it already such a stationary fighter what with the walls which are just stationary things. having a worm to bring this closer would help. maybe it could be rideable???
  4. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    inb4 deusphage

    This is an interesting idea, and I especially find the part about a rideable mob for the second spell for earth archetype worth thinking about, but the CT does not take suggestions for new classes. This belongs in "Your Work" because you made it.
    also, this feels derivative. We already have several melee attacking classes, and we dont need another warrior
    Deusphage likes this.
  5. Strider457

    Strider457 Travelled Adventurer

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    I will move it over. Thanks for informing me. The reason I made a melee class is because we only have 2 compared to the 3 ranged and I gave it quite a few ranged attacks
  6. Strider457

    Strider457 Travelled Adventurer

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    The rules of general suggestions say that I am allowed to post this
  7. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    you know what
    im going to start a conversation with you on the forums explaining this. yes you are ALLOWED to keep it here but...
    trust me it will not end well
  8. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    There are some people who are very vocal about not wanting to see class suggestions here (ahem deusphage) despite it very much being allowed and arguably belongs here.

    Though, class suggestions will pretty much never get added because it's not really worth it
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2025
  9. Strider457

    Strider457 Travelled Adventurer

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    thanks for the feedback all of this is a work in progress
  10. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    It's cause this area is a cutting board, I think it's better to put them where they can be appreciated as opposed to dissected, given suggestions for new classes aren't ever considered
  11. Sqwidd_

    Sqwidd_ Newbie Adventurer

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    I feel like this is very flushed out however I have set for u to consider, how would the weapons work for this? bc it seems to me that u have both punches and kicks. So for this I think you might want to find a weapon that would have smt for arms and legs, very cool idea however!