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Freezing and Burning sigil rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by kevix012, Dec 18, 2024.

  1. kevix012

    kevix012 Well-Known Adventurer

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    TBooth nodes seems kinda cool however, they lack a little bit of personality and seems like an outdated node so here is my proposal:

    Freezing and burning sigil as seals that follows the player/enemy:

    Freezing/burning sigil instead of being on the ground and static, it will be way much smaller, much like NoTG seals that makes spikes but with a behavior like when the worm set a seal to the player that it will target.

    Freezing sigil (could be renamed as Freezing seal): when cast a ice snake, apply a seal to yourself and 2 other enemies/players (with priority on the closer players/enemies) players in contact with the sigil (from enemies or other player) will be inmune to knockback while enemies in contact with the sigil will recieve dmg (the damage still the same) and be slowed by 15% up until 60%

    Duration: 8 seconds.
    Cooldown: 8 seconds.

    Burning sigil (could be renamed as Burning seal): when you attack one enemy, apply a sigil that will follow that enemy and the closest enemy a sigil, dealing damage to enemies in contact with the sigil

    Also to take advantage of Aspect of runic Extravagance i would change a little bit how does it works

    Aspect of runic extravagance:
    -Burning sigil and freezing sigil get 100% bigger

    -Burning sigil and freezing sigil get 100% bigger
    -Burning sigil and freezing sigil will have a limit of +1 seal (3 enemies for burning sigil and 3 enemies/players for freezing sigil excluding yourself)

    -Burning sigil and freezing sigil get 200% bigger
    -Burning sigil and freezing sigil will have a limit of +1 seal


    What do you guys think? i really like both nodes but seems like they could use some things in order to make them more appealing to the player
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
  2. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    Apart fron the peak of writing:
    This a cool suggestion. I wanted to suggest a major id that makes the sigils lock to your feet (so they are like cyclone), but if they get reworked this is cooler and hotter.

    The seals apply to allies might be a bit too strong since it would be easy to activate, but i can accept that fate. fire sigil is also a good one.

    Problems i see are:
    [these] Aspects are both stronger than a fabled should be and more bloated than a fabled aspect should be.
    This can eb fixed by making the seal aoe aspect a new legenedary one (it should also be flat values), and the current sigil aspects to have increased targets.
    also the 15% to 20% change is questionable, since uhhh why?

    I do like the seals giving buff, but it does have models currently so having 10 seals on the ground might not be good for the server (until they replace it with a model).
  3. kevix012

    kevix012 Well-Known Adventurer

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    the area of those sigils would be like 30% of the area of the original area (1-2 blocks or a almost like a 2x2 blocks area, much like seals from the NoTG seals that tells you when a spike comes from you), the aspect is intended to be used against bosses since they have bigger hitboxes and the +1 seal is limited by only 1 since more seals would be broken with the area and those nodes shouldn't be the whole identity of archetypes (at least from my perspective)

    also this rework is intended to make more nodes, an idea of a node was that fire sigil would lower enemy elemental defenses and other was that freezing sigil would give thorns/reflection buff. but i wanted to not change that much so this could be made in the future if they agree with my proposal.

    edit: i made a mistake in the 15-20% of slowness, now is corrected
  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I can agree when it comes to burning sigil, but not freezing Sigil. Freezing Sigil is one of the only abilities that can apply CCI to your allies.

    Freezing Sigil was added in 2.1

    Doesn't seem necessary...?
    Your suggestion is effectively what both of these abilities already do, just changing the shape of them. I do not think this would be an improvement at all, it just feels like alteration that removed the whole static forcefield deal it seems to be intended to have
    Elytry likes this.
  5. kevix012

    kevix012 Well-Known Adventurer

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    by oudated i refer in comparison for example to recent shamman improvements, and yeah, both sigils are outdated, lacks personality in terms that nobody uses those nodes on purpose (unlike other nodes from other classes that has more retouches such as shaman, archer or assassin)

    and please anwser me, Why does "alteration that removed the whole static forcefield deal it seems to be intended to have" is a bad thing?
  6. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    they are not like, archetype defining nodes. Not every node has to be super complicated or interesting, but the sigils are already performing well. Freezing makes you and your crew knockback immune while slowly freezing your enemies to death. It makes sense that it has both support and cc elements because it is a bridge of Lightbender and Arcanist. Burning is just a passive damage buff. Not every ability needs to be a showstopper.
  7. kevix012

    kevix012 Well-Known Adventurer

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    that knockback resistance doesn't work agains new mobs attacks, idk why tbf
    and my question is, why is that something bad, like explain the reason why a change is bad.
  8. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    unnecessary. also having a smaller area of freezing sigil following players is either going to be very powerful or very weak with the current. (and... they just don't need changes. there are abilities that are much worse while the current for these are fine... just because you can make a change and it isn't terrible does not mean that you should make it)