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Lightbender tweaks

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by kevix012, Dec 13, 2024.

  1. kevix012

    kevix012 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Lightbender needs more tweaks, since it feels like a dps archetype instead of a support/tannkier class, i propose this change to the class in order to make the class more entertaining, useful and diverse:

    Ophanim: i love this thing, is the most fun way of using meteorite but seems to be to powerful in certain builds like warp and trance so i would like to change a little bit the node of ophanim and how does it works (and by changing ophanim, i would change other stuff)

    first of all Ophanim node
    View attachment 195527
    i would let this thing be the same, but instead of summoning 2 orbs with 20% hp, i would change to the next thing: "when casting meteor, instead cast 2 orbs of light with 5% of your hp that will attack when you use your main attack, each orb will drain that 5% of your hp from your bar"

    this would work in order to use a sinergy of heal/meteor, this would also mean some stuff:
    -Mana cost would remain the same
    -you could cast this hability at any hp however, if you have less than 30% hp and you have more than 1 ophanim orb, you will only launch the orbs without mana cost or hp cost
    -if you have lets just say 35% of hp, if you would cast the hability and could get meteors until you get to 30% of your hp, meaning that it would only generate 1 orb (seems complicated to programm tbh but seems like apropiate) if you try to cast and have 30% or less, it won't drain hp but you won't cast orbs (meaning that you would need to heal or regen hp)
    View attachment 195528

    the other change would be Healthier ophanim, instead of adding more hp, i would love to add a damage multiplier and also reduce the damage taken:
    Stronger orbs I:
    Increases the damage of ophanim's orbs by 1% of your hp and reduces the damage they take when attacking by -5%

    Also healthier ophanim II would be changed:
    View attachment 195528

    Stronger Orbs II: increase the health of your orbs from ophanim by 10% of your hp each (they would still drain only 5% of ur hp)

    Sunflare: now this would be the biggest change sunflare is really cool but seems like it doesn't do that much so i would change a little bit the description and how does it works

    "Sunflare: Healing X ammount (can change depending on balance)of your max health (can be proc with the healing of other players, yourself and orbs) of your max health within 10s will make your next heal activate sunflare:

    while sunflare is active orbs can target allies, healing them by 5% or the orb hp that
    goes through them (draining that life from the orb to the player, yes another thing that would be dificult to program) and nearby allies would regen 5% of their mana.

    View attachment 195531

    in general this would make lightbender a option of healing allies that are far away and closer but would require more skill if you try to play with that, i don't know what you guys think about that, i know this would be dificult to make, but this would also make lightbender more interactive with allies without sacrificing anything else
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2024
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    what .
    Elytry likes this.
  3. The Demon Queen

    The Demon Queen Queen of Darkness, Queen of Evil CHAMPION

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    the last thing lightbender needs is dps
  4. kevix012

    kevix012 Well-Known Adventurer

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    it directly nerfs dps builds, more base dps won't be reflected as more dmg in the build, since you reduce the dps scale in those nodes
    i'ts easier to nerf hybrid scale since you can nerf one type of scale (dps) if your dps is really high or other scale (hp) if the tank meta is really strong