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Game Mechanics pts server

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by warstm, Dec 1, 2024.

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  1. warstm

    warstm Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    honestly its that simple i think a pts style server where you can max stats levels money gear ect for testing purposes would go a long way to bringing new players in the biggest issue i notice many new players have is they have no clue what to do when it comes to building a class you cant use youtube anymore or fourms.

    there all out dated content or hyper specific and you have no clue if your really gonna enjoy playing that build/class so to put all the work in to get there only to find out you hate it and your only real choice is start over from scratch and level a new char or get another 1-20 stx to try another build is just crazy to me.

    so i say make a public test server or something in that vain allow us to mess around try raids dungeons free mobs in the wild with whatever gear we want rolled with whatever stats we want that would go a long way towards class building and just finding something you enjoy im not smart enough to know why this shouldnt be done yes there are other ""solutions"" but most people arnt gonna use those solutions if your on here your not the people that this is targeted towards you already found a solution that makes you happy or you already happy this is for bringing in and retaining new players and maybe some content creators.

    as for the mechanics honestly just inf money to reroll till you get your stats or free rerolls and maybe an item spawner or shop with all items or something and the ability to play any class at 105 from the start with all quests unlocked already im sure im forgetting some things but i feel like throwing that up wouldnt be to hard no clue on cost of that but yea.
  2. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    What would be the point of the actual server if you can just get everything for free without work on this 'pts server'? Sounds like a waste of time, and very unfulfilling. You talk about player retention, but to fix THAT issue, the early-game needs to be enjoyable. And well, to many people, the early-game IS enjoyable. This suggestion doesn't help on that front and is completely unnecessary.

    While certain items required in many builds being hard to get is a somewhat-legitimate issue (rarer items should be more powerful, but not to the point of needing each item in a build to be highly exclusive), this doesn't really fix that. Interacting with youtube, the forums, and even wynncord can provide you answers from players who have a good idea of what is viable and popular at the time. You say the forums and youtube aren't useful, but... that's flat out wrong. You also claim that everyone using the forums HAS already figured everything out, and you immediately disprove it because you probably want this server and are one of its 'intended users'. (BTW servers cost money.) I also am not close to figuring out what's good, how to fight certain bosses and excel at certain pieces of content, but that will eventually come with experience + trial and error.
    Deusphage likes this.
  3. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    I would love a Wynncraft sandbox mode yeah
  4. WynnicWither

    WynnicWither Forum Veteran CHAMPION

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    You can test any build you want on the Hero Beta as long as you have all 5 max level classes
  5. warstm

    warstm Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    that i do not sadly but its good to know i guess
  6. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    and have HERO
  7. WynnicWither

    WynnicWither Forum Veteran CHAMPION

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    or Silverbull Subscription
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